Welcome to my Bible Page.

When God created us He knew we would sin (do bad things). So why do we care
about sinning? Well because we all do it, Romans 3:23, "For all have
sinned, and come short of the glord of God". Because we all do it, we must
pay for doing wrong (sinning). Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is
death." So, you might ask, if I do something wrong like steal from the
store I am going to be put to death? Not a physical death, a spiritual
death. See we get two choices when we die, our soul can go to heaven or
hell. But you see IF you accept that you are a sinner and that God came to
earth through the virgin birth of Mary, died on the Cross for our sins and
was barried then raised from the dead just to pay the price for us sinning
(getting Saved) then you can be Saved and go to Heaven when you die (Romans
10:13). It is just that easy, but then you should try your hardest to
change the bad (evil) things you do and try to live a better life for
Jesus. Us trying to live right is the least we can do for someone who got
beat nearly to death for us. Don't wait another minute, if you haven't
accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, you need to do that now.
There just isn't any promise that we will even live through the day we are
on. God Bless.

If you have any questions or comments please put BIBLE QUESTION on the
subject line and E-Mail me and I can try to get right back to you with an
answer. God Bless you all. E-Mail
