This page is strictly dedicated to my Wonderful Wife.
Becky and I met at Pocatello High School, after her parents
retired from the Navy. I didn't think I had a chance with a
girl so cute from California. We talked a lot in school,
even shared History and Speech together. But I knew I was
too wild for her at the time. I needed to grow up some
before she would let me into her life. So, I graduated and
joined the Navy. Becky and I started writting letters to
each other, and after a long friendship I decided it was
time to be with my best friend forever. It was on new years
eve I got up the courage to ask her to marry me. Then like
most men would do, I left my bride to be to plan the wedding
and I went skiing. (I could have been more helpful.) We
have been married now for just over 18 years and it has been
great. No it has not been easy. We keep God in our hearts
and I keep her on my mind and that helps us get through
anything that comes our way. We have been best friends
from the start and that has not changed.

In the past I mentioned that you might get to learn
something about Becky you didn't know. One of the things
she prides herself on is trying to do what is best for her
family and her kids.

Wedding photos(Jan 10, 1988). We knew back then that we would be together for a life time.

That was then this is now!

She is the most beautiful woman alive, not just in looks but her heart too. I love her dearly.

Here are two pictures of Becky and Her Mom. Becky is so fond of her mother, nothing could ever tear them apart! They say if you want to see how your wife will turn out when she is older, to look at her mother. Well, I think God has gifted me with a good future.

This picture means a great deal to Becky, it's a four
generation picture. Her Grandma Robinson, Her mother, Her
and her daughters Kaley and Jessica.
To me that is four generations of wonderful women. I am very lucky to be in all of their lives.

Do come back to see what I have done here!
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