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HMS Cambridge Open Day 1999, Wembury Point, Plymouth
Royal Navy Gunnery School
This was a rare chance to see behind the scenes of the Royal Navy`s Gunnery School at Wembury Point near Plymouth, a stunningly beautiful place. During the day there were helicopter displays and best of all the very rare chance to see REAL anti aircraft guns "open up" with live ammo at seaborne targets! We all had to wear ear-defenders. Afterwards we had a tour of the 4.5inch magazines and the "bullets?..what! rounds!... and the really big guns..that`s the 4.5inch ones. Those youngsters looking at a career in the services could see how they may get on with a camo face paint job as well as the feel of being behind the guns.
Post Script: in the spring of 2000, the Royal Navy announced that HMS Cambridge would close in the autumn of the same year. Was this the last open day, or will there be one in 2000? The Navy says that all gunnery practice will now be done at sea or in a simulator.