SHAW Family

First Generation

1. Thomas1 Shaw was born in England 1/13/1562/3. Thomas died 5/13/1600 in England, at 38 years of age.

He married Elizabeth L. Longbottham in England, 12/16/1588. She was the daughter of Brian Longbotthom and Alice Mawd.

Thomas Shaw and Elizabeth L. Longbottham had the following children:

child 2 i. Sarah2 Shaw was born on (birth date unknown).

child 3 ii. Susan Shaw was born on (birth date unknown).

child 4 iii. Joseph Shaw was born on (birth date unknown).

child 5 iv. Jonas Shaw was born on (birth date unknown).

child 6 v. Martha Shaw was born on (birth date unknown).

child + 7 vi. Abraham Shaw was born 1585.

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