1. Claes Jansen Van Purmerand1 Kuyper was born before 1657, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
He married Annatje Van Vorst.
Claes Jansen Van Purmerand Kuyper and Annatje Van Vorst had the following child:
Tryntje Klaesen2 Kuyper was born 1657. Tryntje died 8/20/1734.
She married Theunis Roelofse Van Houten in Bergen, NJ, 1/8/1678. Theunis was born in Amersfoort,
(Flatbush) LI, NY. He was the son of Roeloff Cornelissen Van Houten and Gerritje Cornelise Van Nes. Theunis
died 7/27/1737 in Tappan, Orange Co., NY. (See Theunis Roelofse Van Houten for the
continuation of this line.)
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