1. Rolland1 Cotton was born on (birth date unknown).
He married Elizabeth Saltonstall.
Rolland Cotton and Elizabeth Saltonstall had the following child:
Abigail2 Cotton was born before 6/16/1725, the first event for which
there is a recorded date. Abigail died 5/17/1732 in Scituate, MA. She married Shearjashub Bourne
in Boston, MA, 6/16/1725. Shearjashub was born in Sandwich, MA 12/12/1699. He was the son of Melatiah
Bourne and Desire Chipman. He married Sarah Brooks. He married Deborah Barker. He married
Joanna Stevens in Roxbury or Boston, MA or New Brunswick, Canada, 11/10/1757. Shearjashub died 8/14/1768 at 68 years of
age. (See Shearjashub Bourne for the continuation of this line.)
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