1. Jethro1 Athearn was born in Tisbury, MA 6/10/1692.
He married Mary Mayhew. Mary was born in Chilmark, MA 9/26/1700.
Jethro Athearn and Mary Mayhew had the following child:
Eleanor2 Athearn was born in Tisbury, MA 12/4/1727.
Eleanor died 5/15/1818 in Tisbury, MA, at 90 years of age. She married Benajmin Allen (Capt.) in
Tisbury, MA, 1/18/1753. Benajmin was born in Tisbury, MA 8/28/1727. He was the son of Joseph Allen and
Patience Bourne. Benajmin died 11/14/1791 in at sea, at 64 years of age. (See Benajmin Allen (Capt.) for the continuation of this line.)
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