1. Samuel1 Ransom was born before 9/25/1718, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
He married twice. He married Abigail Rickard. Abigail died 10/1/1722 in Plympton, MA. He married Deborah Dunbar 7/31/1723. Deborah was born in Hingham, MA 3/21/1696/7. She was the
daughter of Joseph Dunbar and Christian Garnet. Deborah died 10/1/1772 at 76 years of age.
Samuel Ransom and Abigail Rickard had the following child:
Samuel Ransom and Deborah Dunbar had the following children:
Samuel2 Ransom Jr. was born in Plympton, MA 9/25/1718.
David Ransom was born in Plympton, MA 8/20/1724.
Jonathan Ransom was born in Plympton, MA 1725. Jonathan died 1727 in Plympton, MA.
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