ALLEN Family

First Generation

1. James1 Allen was born in Tisbury, MA 1674. James died 2/14/1723/4 in Chillmark, MA.

He married Mary Bourne. Mary was born in Sandwich, MA 10/21/1678. She was the daughter of Shearjasub Bourne and Bathsheba Skiff. Mary died 5/20/1722 in Chilmark, MA, at 43 years of age.

James Allen and Mary Bourne had the following children:

child 2 i. Mary2 Allen was born before 2/8/1730, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Mary died 1/4/1797. She married Silas Bourne 2/8/1730. Silas was born 12/10/1701. He was the son of Melatiah Bourne and Desire Chipman. Silas died 4/10/1772 at 70 years of age. (See Silas Bourne for the continuation of this line.)

child 3 ii. Bathsheba Allen was born on (birth date unknown). She married John Mills.

child 4 iii. Sylvanus Allen was born on (birth date unknown). He married Jane Holmes.

child 5 iv. Joshua Allen was born on (birth date unknown). He married Agnes Holmes.

child 6 v. Timothy Allen was born on (birth date unknown).

child 7 vi. Eunice Allen was born on (birth date unknown). She married unknown Howes.

child 8 vii. Sarah Allen was born on (birth date unknown).

child 9 viii. Ezra Allen was born on (birth date unknown). He married Mary unknown.

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