COOK Family

First Generation

1. Mowry Adney1 Cook was born before 4/20/1845, the first event for which there is a recorded date.

He married Lucinda B. Colvin in Thompson, CT, 4/20/1845. Lucinda was born in Mendon, MA 11/24/1825. She was the daughter of Mark Colvin and Mary Ann Rawson. Lucinda died 5/18/1905 in Chicopee, MA, at 79 years of age. Her body was interred 1905 in Chicopee, MA, Fairview Cemetery.

Mowry Adney Cook and Lucinda B. Colvin had the following children:

child 2 i. Mary Adalade2 Cook was born in Northbridge, MA 10/1/1846.

child + 3 ii. Edwin Herbert Cook was born 1/5/1848.

child 4 iii. Harriet L. Cook was born in Northbridge/Whitinsville, MA 4/22/1850.

child 5 iv. William R. Cook was born in Holyoke, MA 12/10/1852.

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