The Malinois is an extremely versatile canine, suitable as a family companion, but, only for the truly active family. If your favorite past time is stretching out in the big overstuffed living room recliner and watching T.V. then please, for the sake of your sanity, research the possibility of another breed. The Malinois quite simply is NOT the breed for everyone. Failure of the Malinois owner to provide a productive activity or job to do on a regular basis can, and probably will result, I promise you, in the Malinois finding their own outlet. And, after years of experience, I think I *can* safely guarantee that outlet probably won't be to your liking. I currently have an Eleven year old retired bitch that has found all kinds of wonderful ways to occupy her time. Problem? I have yet to find one of those *ways* that meets with my approval. LOL It's a good thing I love her so much, otherwise I'd probably end up slaughtering her for some of the creative ways she has found to rearrange my home.

Aeolian came into existence with the acquisition of a small 9 week old package of Dynamite officially called Mattole's Alcina of Aeolian, commonly known by friends and family as Allie. After nearly two years of searching for that special Malinois I was thrilled to add her to my family. Today nearly 12 years later I can't even remember what life BBM (before Belgian Mals) was like.

A very small kennel, never owning more then 3 dogs at any time, Aeolian is committed to owning and very occasionally breeding Malinois with the temperament, structure, personality and work ethic to excel in any working arena a future owner might wish to participate in. If you are interested in a Malinois that projects *presence* then consider an Aeolian Malinois.

The Malinois is one of 4 varieties commonly known elsewhere in the World as Belgian Shepherds. Three of the varieties are registered as seperate breeds in the United States and the fourth, the Lakenois, is striving for AKC recognition. The links below will take you to the parent club for each breed. Your research should include an extended visit to each site in order to understand thoroughly why proponents of each variety feel that their's is *the* Belgian of choice.

American Belgian Malinois Club

Belgian Sheepdog Club of America

American Belgian Tervuren Club

American Belgian Laekenois Association

I hope you enjoy the information that you will find on this website. It will change and expand as I find time to add the hundreds of links I have stored away. For further information on all the different varieties please visit the Belgian Shepherds Circling the Globe page of links. The Wardogs page of links will take you on a journey showing how the canine has served us faithly during times of world conflict and the love and admiration felt by all that came into contact with them. The Ehrlichia, a tick borne disease, page came into existence because of research I did for one of my puppy buyers. Don't pass it up, it could save your dog's life. And finally, the Belgian Malinois Webring will take you specifically to website after website of Malinois owners and lovers who participate in almost any arena you can name.

Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions you have that can't be answered in the links I have provided. And, let me know you visited by signing the guestbook.

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This page created by R.V. Harral
Graphics Designed by R.V. Harral
© August 1999-2004 - Updated Saturday, October 25, 2003