Take Care and God Bless!!!
Bad Bunny - 12/04/00 10:55:12
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
You have a good looking boy there! Congratulations on your new family member.
Thank you for the Web page. It is so hard to not see Micah more often, but the pictures and news updates really help. Micah, you are a blessing in our lives. Our first Grandbaby! It was so exciting being with your Mom and Dad on the day of your birth.
We were praying for your health and you just turned out perfect. Praise God!!!! We will come see you as often as possible and we will always be there for you....just call. Love, Grandma and Grandpa C
Hi Jenn and Mark,
Congratulations on your new addition to the family. We are so happy for the two of you..Baby will have the greatest loving parents a baby could ask for..I miss seeing you at work, otherwise I would of known sooner about baby. I love your web page I will
visit often to keep up on baby stuff, much fun. Take care and God Bless your new family....
I love you guys so much! I will miss you more than anything when I go to college1 so you'll have to keep this up and but tons of pictures of you guy's and the baby on it! I will see you guys later! love ya lots and lots and lots!
This is my first visit to your web-page. It is great!! You have to teach me or at least tell me the software you use to create this awesome webpage.
Hi Jenn,
I don't know why (ha ha) but I was thinking about you today. Could be because Melanie is starting work for me next Tuesday and I'm printing out some stuff for her, and then I thought, Poor Jenn. She doesn't have a helper anymore. Anyway, I miss you guy
at UpRight and I'm beginning to get the "UpRight" adrenalin pumping with Melanie coming on board. I hope you are doing well. I visited your 24week journal. If you're ever in town, please come and visit me and Melanie! Say hello to Mark... and the bab
..Decided on a name yet??? Take good care.
Sorry, I never could make heads or tails of those things. Even with what is apparently a "clear" picture, I have no conclusion.
So wonderful to hear about you all and mega congratulations on baby!! Sounds like you all have been super busy.....definately time to slow down. Take good care of yourselves and let us know when the baby arrives!
Love, Bob and Denise
Forwarding your site address to Karen Walker in So. Cal. Rich and Jenny are there also for the Christmas weekend. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend. Love to everyone!!
I like your webpage and I love your photos!
Maybe we could become e-mail friends?
Keep up the good work.
I'm finally checking out your web page. You've done a great job with it! Just a note to say "hi." Hope you are both doing well.
Beautiful place! Take care!
Love you both, Mom
Hiya nice web page I guess i should put one together was it hard to do.
Hello to you, great photo, you are just TOO CUTE. Very handsome husband. When was your wedding Ms. Jennifer?
Very nice to see you, a pleasant personality is a sea of big waves. Take care of yourself, I'm off to view "Me in Chicago". I bid you adieu.
Hi Jenn & Mark -
How are you two doing? We hope everything is well with you. I've been real lazy to email. I was sick for a couple of days after returning from Wash. D.C.
Did you hear that Dad got sick the day we were to leave for D.C.? Dad is better but will see a specialist next week. We're planning to come next week for Grandpa's birthday celebration.
Well, better close for now. Take good care of yourselves. See 'ya next Saturday.
Lots of love, Mom & Dad
Nice home page. We'll visit when we can.
We love you!
Cool pictures woman, keep it up. Have a wonderful day......
You did a great job on this. All is going well with us. We are in escrow on our 1st home (scary aint it). We should have the house by Christmas. What a Christmas gift. Talk to you soon I promise......Tammy
I just decided to sign your guestbook again....just for the heck of it. ;-) This is really coming along...I'm sure you'll make this page even more beautiful than it already is. ;-)
Nice pics.......:)
Good pge so far sis! :) Keep it up! I still say Mark looks like Biff Tannen :-Þ Anyways, keep it goin. Cya ya later you two crazy lovebirds!!! :) May the Force Be With You two. :) hehee Cya guys on Realm! Peace!!
The Vampire
hello all just me KGM cool page need and help just ask:)
Hello Mom,
So what's up? I figured I'd Harass Ya,What are Kids for? I'm resisting going on realm,I was attacked and Killed twice by Sereph and lost my Armor and greavs..... Then I crashed and couldn't get back on....
Mom,I'm practicly a nudest!! It's not fair!!! It didn't happen to Beka!!!
Sorry,Couldn't resist!
Catch Ya Later Or in Realm!! Have a Great Weekend!!
Hi Dom, this is Orm/Vidav. I just stopped by to say hi. Hope to see you on the Realm soon.
Jenn That was a bad picture of me! Your site is really really cute! I think you should make the youth group one! Well I better jet! Have a GREAT day!
Love Always your friend,
Hey nice webpage. Keep working on it!
This is a great page....you're doing wonderful. Your teacher is VERY proud of you. ;-)