b. March 17 1864 in
Saltfeet Wentworth
Ontario Canada
moved to Batavia Ill. ab 1871
moved to Denver 1879
moved to Golden 1880
moved to Henderson 1882 with one
horse and a spring wagon
moved to Camfield CO in 1920
moved to Denver in 1935
m. Oct 16 1889 Denver,CO
Anna Louise Johnson
d. July 7 1939 Denver Co
i. Lucille Ida
b 14 March 1892 Henderson Co
d. ab. 1980 Denver Co
m. Walter Leasch no children
ii. Lucinda Anna
b. 10 Aug 1895 Henderson CO
d.ab. 1986 Denver Co
m John McCourt no children,
Ragina McCout husbands daughter
iii. Gladis Vivian
b. 24 Dec. 1902
d. 8 April 1979 Heart and Liver
failure Cape Coral, Florida
m. Carroll Tunis Horton
1 Feb 1922 Littleton CO
Alberts father was
b. 1835 from information
gained based on the
1861 Ontario census
m. Lucinda Alice Fagan
occupation - blacksmith
i. Albert Edward
ii Agnes Euretta
d Feb 13 1957 Los Angles
California SSDI
iii. Alice L Utter Brown
d. Aug 13 1953 Los Angles
John Wesley's father was
b. May 1797 Coeymans
Albany Co. NY
fought in War of 1812
d. 15 Oct 1882 Saltfleet
buried Stony Creek Cem. Hamilton
m. Phoebe A. Underhill
i. Palmer b 1820 Saltfeet
m. Sophie
ii. Mary b. 1821 Saltfleet
iii. Rebecca b. Aug 1821 Saltfleet
d. 19 April 1859 consumption
iv. Catherine b March 1827
d. 5 March 1843 consumption
v. Joel b. 1828 Saltfleet
m. Harriet Campbell
vi. Ira b. 1831 Stalfleet
vii. Andrew b 1832 m. Bathsheba
viii Henry b April 1834
d. 25 April 1859 concumption
ix. Margaret b 1835 Saltfleet
m. George Fagan
x. John Wesley
b. 1835
xi. Louisa b. 1836
xii. Goerge Washington
b. 1840 m. Emily Pickering
d. 7 April 1860 consumption
19 yrs 10 mo.
iivx. Mallisa b. 1845 Saltfleet
Henry's father was
b. ab 1760 CT
d. ab 1819 Ontrio
moved to Ontario in 1804
left 5 kids in the USA
m. Mary Rusco
1st marriage Hugh Wells
Aug 19 1646 Hartford CT
2nd marriage Hugh Wills
3rd John Utter
Stamford CT. 1755
i. Anne
ii. Margaret
iii. David
iv. child
v. child
vi. Christianna
b. 1782
m. Stephen King 1809 and moved
to Halton Co. Ontario from
Albany Co. N.Y. in 1820
vii. Henry b. 1794
viii. John JR. b. 1784 ab.
lived in Reel Co. Toronto
ix. Mary W m. William Richardson
x. Lydia m. Cornelius tip at Justice
of the Peace
John's father was
b. 29 Jan 1703 Stonington
New London CT
m. Jemima Benjamin
b. ab 1708
d. before 26 May 1729
Preston New London CT
#2 m. Eliz. Pooler after 1731
dau. of John Pooler
kids by Jemima
i. John b. 1726
kids by Elizabeth Pooler
i. Abraham b. Nov 1817 - 32
m. Hannah White
d. Jan 5 1813 Unadilla Forks NY
ii. Eleanor b. 1734
iii. Isaac b. 1736
iv. Jemima b. 1738
m. Job Buckly
John's father was
b. 1665/8 Kingston Wathinton RI
d. 1726 Stonington Mew London RI
m. 1702 Hannah Cottrell
b. 25 Jan 1578/9 Westerly
d. April 1742
dau Gershom Cottrell
b. 1642 d. 15 Feb 1677
Bethia Wilcox
b. 1659 d. 17 Dec. 1711
m. 15 Feb. 1766
i. John
ii. Thomas b. 1705 Westerly
m. Mary Capwell
d. after 1769
iii. Desire b. 1707 Westerly RI
iv. Bejamine b. 1709
m. Mabel Russell
v. Thankful b. 1717
vi. William Utley
b. 1719 Stonington New London CT
d. NC
Thomas's father was
other families
b. NY
m. ?
all babtized at the First
Reform Church of Coksasckie in
Masonville Ny on 15 Oct 1786
i. Elizabeth
ii. David bought land 2 July 1787 in
Coeymans NY
iii. Amy
iv. Elige (Pro. Elijah)
v. Zilpha b. 1777
d. 1847
m. Jonathan Cutler 1763-1856
if you have any info. or corrections on this family that would help PLEASE send them to me --- I would love to get them.