b.  2 July 1771 Fox creek Groose     



b. 17 Feb 1740 Rivee're Oulle m. 16 Aug 1789 Detroit MARY GENEVEVA TREMBLAY b. 19 Sept 1748 Baie St Paul d. 16 Febn 1786 Detroit daughter of Ambrose Tremblay
and Margaret Simard children i. Joseph b. 5 April 1768 Groose Pointe ii. Geneveva b. 17 Dec. 1769 d. 22 Feb 1826 iii. Archange b. 2 July 1771 killed by lighting d. 18 Oct 1825 Detroit iv. Cecilia b. 3 May 1733 d. 12 May 1817 v. Agnes b. 1 July 1775 Grosse Pointe d. 17 Dec 1823 Dtroit m. Michael Rivard vi. Stephen b. 7 May 1777 Grosse Pointe d. 28 Oct 1820 Detroit vii. Mary Joseph b. 10 May 1779 Gorsse Pointe d. 12 March 1807 viii. Mary Louisa m. 2 Oct 1804 Louis Beufait ix. John Baptist b. 25 Dec 1783 Detroit x. Eulalie Rosalie b. 15 Feb 1786 Detroit d. 24 Oct 1857 m. Anthony Rivard Joseph Mary's father was


b. 17 April 1709 Cap. St. Ignace d. 12 Jan 1740 Rivie're Ouelle m. Ouelle 10 Nov 1767 Geneveva Be'rube' b. 2 Jan 1713 dau. Peter Be'rube
and 1788 GENEVEVA D'ANCOSSE Peter was a farmer on the River're Ouelle parish of Notre Dame diocese of Quebec Peter's father was


b. 1 Sept 1672 Quebec d. 11 Jan 1723 Ste Anne de la Pocatie're m. 1697 Mary Ann Bisson b. 25 May 1673 Quebec d. 12 March 1714 Cap St Ignace dau. Anthony Bisson
and Ursula Trud Charles's father was


lived in St Eustache Paris came to Can. from France m. 12 Jan 1671 Quebec Margaret Gaillard (widow of Francis Provost of Boulogne Picardy France Louis's father was


m. Charlotte Clairet came from Boulogne in Picardie The name Saucier means sauce maker. So it is probably that an early ancestor by this name worked in the kitchen of a nobel home Charles was a musician in the court of the Sun King Louis XIV. The parish church for the inhabitants of the Louvre was that of St Eustace. This is where the Royal family had thier baptism, marriages and funerals. Their huge household staff also used St Eustache. It is unusually large for a parish Church. It is a mostly Gothic structure whose plan was modeled after N"tre Dame. Charles Saucier and Charlotte Clairet had a son Loouis who migrated to Qubec On 12 Jan 1671 Louis married Marguerite Gailllard She came from Calais Picardi and was the widow of Francois Provost. She brought with her two small kids. They had two sons born and babtized in Quebec. Charles in 1672 and Jean in 1674 Jean married Marie-gabrielle Savary in 1704. Charles married Marie-anne Bisson in 1697 giving him 8 children before she died in 1714. Three month later he married Marie Saint-Denis, she gave him anther son in 1715 and died in 1720. Five months later he married Marie-Francois Lebel, she gave him three daughters before she died in 1723