Matilda Robertjeanne m. John Baptist Rivard Matilda's father was


                     #1m.  Catherine Petit 
                      b.   23Nov 1781 d.  1806
                     #2m.  MONICA FRETON
                      b.   1 Feb 1785
                      d.   23 Fen 1844  Grosse Pointe
                      dau of Julian Freton and 
                      Teresa Billiau dit Lesperance
  Julian      b.  9 Oct 1808
  Vicoria     b.  5 March 1812
  Daivd       b.  5 Aug 1815
  Emily Josette
              b.  30 May 1817 Detroit d Mt Clemens
  Narcisse    b.  16 April 1819
  Caroline    b.  31. Decc 1821 Detroit 
              m.  Jerome Tremblay  Peter T./Susanna Greffard
  Monica      b.  4 Aug 1824 Grosse Pointe
  Irene       b.  1825 Grosse Point
  Ili         b.  25 Nov 1828 

Joseph's father was


b. 1730 moved to Detroit in 1771 d. 3 April 1793 Detroit m. 21 Fen 1757 St vincent de Paul CATHERINE RE'AUME b. 23 Sept 1740 Sst Frncois Isle Jesus d. 4 Dec. 1805 Detroit Dau. of Nicolas Re'aume/Catherine Labelle kids Mary Catherine b. 6 March 1758 d. March 1658 Mary Catherine b. 15 Oct 1759 Robert b. Longueil Jospeh Josette Archange b. 27 Aug 1772 Agnes b. 13 Mrch 1774 Francis (twin) b. 28 Jan 1776 Infant (twin) b. same d. 30 Jan 1776 Regina b. 30 Sept 1777 Detroit Rosalie Louise b. 11 dec 1778 Roberts father was


b. 1 March 1676 Ste Famille Isle Orleans m. 22 Jan 1713 Montreal ANTOINETTE MARIE b. 28 Fen 1683 Montreal dau. of Louis Marie/Mathurine Gouard John's father was


b. 1639 Parish of St Seves Rouen France came to Can and married 21 Jan 1665 FRANCES SAVARD b. 1694 d. Oct 29 1704 dau of Simon Savard/Sens Champagne Roberts father was


m. Mary Duch~ene