Mary Elizabeth Hueston's father was


                              b.  Feb 22 1833
                              d.  6 Dec. 1913 Ypsilanti, Mich.
                              m.  Cordelia Woolsey
                                  about 1852
                              m#2.Katherine -  mid life crisis
        children from Cordelia:
        i.    Mary Elizabeth   b.  1 April 1853 Stonridge NY
                               d.  28 July 1932 Denver CO
                               m.  3 Sept 1871
                               Charles Bela Horton
        ii.   Annie Maria      b.   11 March 1857 Peterburg Mich.
                               m.   17 Setp 1878
                               Herman E. Lake
        iii.  George Clinton   b.   1860
                               d.   7 Dec. 1926
        iv.   Susie Porcis     b.   1863
                               d.   1909
                               m.   William Bennett
James father was


b. m. Clarinda Carroll children: i. Katherine A. b. Nov 18 1829 Old Hurley NY d. 9 Oct 1870 m. 1851 Charles Cannon ii. Decila iii. Edward iv. Harriet d. prior 1899 v. James m. Cordelia Woolsey Morey's father was


b. about 1771 m. unknown m#2. Sally or Sarah lived in Newbough, Plattkill, Olive and Marlborough NY children were: i. Morey d. 1832 ii. Samuel iii. Hudson children from Sally i. Sally Jane Samuel's father was


b. ab. 1739\ d. before 23 Feb. 179 Montgomery NY emigrated from Ireland by the big. of 18 century m. Anna Carr
Nov 30 1759 children i. Dr. Joseph worked in Amity & Edenville ii. George b. ab 1763 d. 1825 m. Jane Hunter m. #2 Jule Gale Thompson iii. Thomas b. 1761 Orange Co NY iv. James b. 1769 Orange Co NY v. John b. May 2 1770 Orange Co NY vi. Samuel b. 19 April 1771 Orange Co vii. Andrew b. ab 1774 Orange Co m. Phebe Wisner viii. Polly b. 19 Nov 1760 Orange Co NY m. Robert Wilkens iix. Jane b. 1777 Orange Co NY m. Adam Dickerson ix. Ben d. young 1833 James father was


b. ab. 1692 Ireland d. Oct 20 1740 Montomery Organge Co NY emigrate through Jamestown VA Grad. Univ. of Edinburgh 1711 buried Goodwill Presbyterain cemetery m. ? Isabelle b. 1694 d. May 6 1758 Montgomery buried Goodwill cemetery children i. James b. Ireland m. Anna Carr ii. John Huston b. Ireland iii. Christopher d. 1784 Cumberland co PA iv. Samuel d. Nov 1786 Cumberland d. Oct 1784 m. Isabelle Sharon kids a. William b. Samuel H. his line takes us to Sam Houston of TX c. John d. Johathan b. 1760 d 10 Nov 1830 m. Margaret Kankin e. Ann m. JAMES GIBSON f. Alice g. Isabel m. James Clendennin h. Mary m. John Mateer i. Andrew j. Margaret m. John Huston(Christopher son k. Jane m. John Creigh l. James m Katherine Elwing v. Rev. Jospeh b. 1733 Ireland m. Ann Wisner vi. Elizabeth m. Thomas Beatty burined Goodwill cemetery vii. Ann m. William Stewart viii. Mary b. Oct 7 1724 Middletown CT m. Mr Elder