History of the Hortons

__This Site is Under Construction.__


Achon Addington Adkins Anderson Anderson Aimes Ardley

Babilotte Baker Bailey Barillette Bayles Bayless Beebe Benjamin Benson Berube Be'rube'
Billiau dit Lesperance Billings Bisson Blancham Boilarddon Blood Booth
Bouchard Brancock Brillard Brown Borgenson Bos Bosch Boyce Burnel Burnell Burton Bushey

Callaham Calloway Carpenter Casse dit St. Aubin Carr Carroll Casse Casses det St. Aubin
Chase Champagne Champine Chaevrean Clairet
Clark Coats Coiqnet Collins Cornell Cotrell Cox

Couteau Dalaright Dancause D'Ancosse D'Anglure Daniel DeCroix De Lomelle
DeRosa Deyo Dohaho Donahoe Doggett Douglas Dubay Dubuar Dubois
Dubois from Quebec Duchene Duckett Dublap Dumont Duttons

Ebert Ecclas Eccles Eckly Eddy Egelhoff Elting Eltinge Elton

Fagan Ferrecoq Fitch Finsharm Fortier dit la Forture Forton Foster Franklin Fochen
Fortier dit la Forture Fosten Fowler Freeman Fre'ton Fritz-Randolph

Gael Gagne Gagnier Gaillard dit Duplessis Garnsey Garnzey Gastinon dit Dochene
Gibson Giedhill Gladding Glover Goayer Gobin dit la Grandeur Goble Goda Golding Gouad
Greffard Grefford Gillbert Grimoult Guaillard Guerreau

Hanson Harmon Harris 1 Harris 2 Harris 2 Hathaway Haywood
Henderson Herbinne Hirst Holden Holt Hook Hooker Hopkins
De Horton
Houston Hueston Huson Huyet dit Champagne

Huyet Ingerson Jarrett Jarvis Jeannes Jorisse Johnson Johnson Joy

Kaye Kelsey Kelton Kenney Kent Kerr Kichens Krohn Kroon

Labelle Ladd LaForest Lane Lane Lappage Larimore Lauson Leafy
LeMarchard LeNeafde LeNeuf Lomelle Long Lousche Loyseau Licta Lord Loseau

Mapes Marsh Martell Martin McCoy McMillan Millard Miller Miller
Minshell Morand Morant Morey Morgan Moson Munn Munning Murdock Murdock

Naudin Newell

Ormsbee Ormsby Osborne Parkins Perkins Phillps Pierce Polly Pruitt

Ralph Rancour Raoult Re'aume Redesdale Regourde Relict
Rivard dit Lavigne
Rivard dit Loranger
RivordRix Robertjeanne Roberts Robin Robinett Robinette Rodes Rogers Roth Rusco

Sabin Saucier Saville Savonnet Sauvenier Savard Saxby Schuyer
Sedilot Sillsbee Simard Slecati Slecht Simonds Skelton
Somme' Southwick Stilwell St. Per Stranton Stratton Swan Symonds Symm

Taylor Thompson Throne Throppe Titus Travis Tremblay Troltier Trotier Trottier Trottin Trud Turcott

Underhill Underwood #1 HREF="/Heartland/Bluffs/9688/utter.html">Underwood #2 Upan Utter

Viall Very VonKlein VonVolzen

Waldenburg Wallerurd Walmarth West Wheeler Wilmarh Wilshaw Wilcox Woodis Woolsey Wright#1 Wright#2



Remember I'm just getting started on this genealogy thing,
Almost everyday there are changes made to this page.
If you see something incorrect PLEASE contact me
Email me at hrevard@dellmail.com

BR> When I get down to figureing out how things should look,
I might get back to correcting dates and spelling.
Please come back soon and visit this page as it grows and changes.

NEW hrevard@dellmail.com NEW