Let me ask you a few questions about spanking your child.
1. When you got in trouble as a child where you scared of your parents?
2. Do you want your child to be scared of you?
3. Does spanking really help your child?
4. How do you teach a child not to hit while you are hitting them?
5. What are you going to do when your child is to old to get a spanking and they get in trouble?
When Andrew first started getting in trouble he would get a spanking. I mean I grew up getting spanked, so why wouldn't I punish my own son the same way? Because it didn't work for him that is why.
I would spank Andrew and he would just go on about his day like it didn't even happen. He wouldn't even cry. Talk about going crazy. One day after Andrew got in trouble I was about to loose it. I just looked at him and said that I was mad. Wow! That was it.
Andrew gets so upset knowing that mommy isn't happen. I guess it is true that if mommy isn't happy, then no one is happy! Andrew is almost 3 years old and this still works. I don't even have to yell it. I think that attachment paretning has helped make my son like this.