I regret not breastfeeding my first child Andrew. That is why Austin and I
are determined to make it happen. When I was first pregnant I said that I wanted
to breastfeed until Austin self weaned. Then I had him & my story changed. We started
making smaller goals. We have met our seconed goal of 12 weeks. Now we are going for 20
weeks. Wish us luck! To read Austin's breastfeeding journal go here.
I just started attending La Leche League meetings. If attachment
parenting is something that you belive in I really recomend that
you attend. I love going there because I meet other women that belive in the same things that I do.
1. children will get sick less often and heal more quickly when they do get sick
2. the chances of SIDS is lowered
3. it is inexpensive and convenient
4. it is a wonderful way to calm and comfort a fussy baby
5. and it's a wonderful way to help your baby get to sleep
6. it's a wonderful time to hold and be close to your child
7. it helps the mother to relax.
8. it can lower the mother's chances of getting breast cancer.
1. It is best for my baby.
2. I can sleep while I am doing it.
3. No one elese can do this for my baby.
4. The way my son looks at me while he is eatting is unreplaceable.
There might be more reasons why you should breastfeed, but these are the one's that kept me going in the early days.
1. Nurse your baby often
2. Feed your baby on demand
3. Know when your baby last nursed. That way you will know if it has been too long.
4. Nursing usually calms a crying baby.
5. DO NOT give your newborn a bottle or pacifier.
6. Make baby is latched on correctly.
7. Drink lot's of water!
I am a very lucky mom. My son, Austin, can handle almost everything that I eat. The
only thing that he has problems with is chili & very very spicy foods. A friend of mine
wasn't that lucky. Her daughter couldn't take anything with chocolate.
Here is a list that you should take it easy with.
Spicy foods, chocolate, foods that cause lots of gas
(cabbage, beans, ect.),& caffeine in moderation.
Breastfeeding Links
La Leche League
Austin's Breastfeeding Journal
Breastfeeding Page
The Breastfeeding Advocacy
Nursing Mothers Counsel, Inc
Breastfeeding With Special Circumstances
The Vegan Diet During Pregnancy and Lactation
Breastfeeding with Piercings
Breast-feeding with Silicone Implants
A Late Start - Help with relactating.
The Adoptive Breastfeeding Resource Website
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This page was created by Ashley.
It was last updated July 20, 1998.