A personal homepage that only a "Mother" could love!

This website is full of original items from very original people.
All graphics, writings and photographs contained on these pages are
original works created by my family or myself, unless otherwise noted.
Our Lifestyle

When did the common, normal, usual, traditional way of doing things become...


Click here for Photo Album
graphic by my Mom
New Items:
 I am doing major renovations and moving the site, so 
"Everything Old is New Again"
Photo Album:  Family photographs
My Drawings:  Family sketches June 1999
house linkOur House Index:  Plans and picture of the house we are building ourselves.  Updated 1-99
Writings:  questions, answers, letters, and true stories
Link Page:  Family, homeschooling links, and how to contact me.

When did the common, normal, usual, traditional way of doing things become...ALTERNATIVE?
Natural Childbirth: Both children (Eric - 1984 and Rachel - 1996)
Breast feeding:  Eric, until he was 18 months old, 
Rachel until age 5.
Homeschooling: Since 1984, officially since 1989. 
It's wonderful. 
I would recommend it for anyone who wanted to try it, who is ready for a rewarding challenge, and who realizes that this becomes a way of life not just an educational choice.
Eric is in college, and I'm still homeschooling Rachel.
Vegetarian: Eric became a vegetarian in June of 1998.  Hmm, Eric says this is actually an alternative lifestyle in the USA. 
Top of Page

My bunny annimations Author's note: 

I have tried to keep this site visually simple and quick to load.

updated 2004

©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. 2004 Engela