Here are some poems that I have read and liked.
Some are by Unknown authors. If anyone happens
to know who actually wrote them, please send
me a note and let me know and I will add their names.


Making of Friends

If nobody smiled and nobody cared and
nobody helped us along.
If every moment looked after itself and
good things always went to the strong;
If nobody thought just a little about you
and nobody cared about me,
and we stood alone, in the battle of life,
What a dreary old world this would be.

Life is sweet, just because of
friends we have made
and the things which in common we share.
We want to live on, not because of ourselves,
but because of the people who care.
It is doing and giving for somebody else
on which all of life’s splendor depends.
The joy of this world, when you've
summed it all up,
is found in the making of friends.

~~Author Unknown~~


I would rather have a rose from a garden of a friend
Than to have the choicest flowers when my stay on earth must end.

I would rather have one single word of kindness said to me
Than flattery around my grave when life has ceased to be.

So bring to me one flower, be it pink or white or red
For I'd rather have one bloom today than a truckload when I'm dead.


Moral of the poem:
Show the ones today that you care... For tomorrow may never come.

~~ Authur unknown~~



Donna Duke and Autumn
Went out to the park one day
They ran in the sun
And walked on the grass
And this is what they did say.

Duke Well its nice to have you
Autumn, to walk with us today
It used to get boring
On my own, with only
Donna to play

Autumn replied with a shake of her tail
Yes I must admit its more fun
But I do miss my master a little
Now that he has gone
But I think thats why he left me
So when Donna looks at me
She'll remember her friend that is gone away
And well she does look after me!

Donna sighed as she looked at them running,
Two more mouths to feed
But she thought of the friendship
And counted the friend more
Important to please.
At least Duke won't get attacked
Now outside in the yard on his own
And two must be better company
When I have to leave them at home
All alone

And I must tell anyone that reads this
that surprising as it maybe
this trio are famous in England
Far across the deep blue sea,
So if you come to visit and one day
Jean her black cats you see
We will talk of Donna, Duke and Autumn
As we take our Afternoon Tea.

~~Jean Vann~~



I was low; I knew it, but I didn't care.
So Lower, lower, I sank in despair.
I didn't notice the darkness around,
But it grew darker as I neared the ground.

Down, down, down I fell;
Closer I drew to the flames of hell.
The lakes of sorrow surrounded my soul;
This falling, it seemed, I could not control.

Like an island I stood, as desolate land,
Left struggling alone, in sinking sand.
Fear gripped my heart! Terror grew!
I was at the bottom, this I knew.

Now I sat quietly surrounded by fear.
Voices of death were all I could hear.
A lifeless wall surrounded me.
Oh, nearer to God, I longed to be.

When hope was gone, toward God I turned,
For His loving kindredness my heart had yearned.
And when my soul ached for God for so long,
My thought had turned from woe to song.

I hoped on God, and God caught me.
In Him I now live, forever free;
No longer will I fall so low,
For my God will catch me, This I know.

~~John Hudler~~


Lend me your hope for a while, I seem to have mislaid mine.
Lost and hopeless feelings accompany me daily,
pain and confusion are my companions.
I know not where to turn.
Looking ahead to future times does not bring forth renewed hope.
I see troubled times, pain filled days, more tragedy.
Lend me your hope for a while, I seem to have mislaid mine.
Hold my hand and hug me,
Listen to my ramblings.
Recovery seems so distant.
The road to healing seems like a long and lonely one.
Lend me your hope for a while, I seem to have mislaid mine.
Stand by me.
Offer me your presence, your heart, your love.
I am overwhelmed with sad and conflicting thoughts.
Lend me your hope for a while.
A time will come when I will heal,
and I will share my renewal, hope and love with others.




God must have known there would be times
We'd need a word of cheer
Someone to praise a triumph
Or brush away a tear.

He must have known we'd need to share
The joy of "little things"
In order to appreciate
The happiness life brings.

I think he knew our troubled hearts
Would sometimes throb with pain
At trials and misfortunes
Or some goals we can't attain.

He knew we'd need the comfort
Of an understanding heart
To give us strength and courage
To make a fresh, new start.

He knew we'd need companionship
And so God answered the heart's great need
With a CHERISHED you.

~~Author Unknown~~



I keep my paint brush with me
Wherever I may go,
In case I need to cover up
So the real me doesn't show.
I'm so afraid to show you me,
Afraid of what you'll do--that
You might laugh or say mean things.
I'm afraid I might lose you.

I'd like to remove all my paint coats
To show you the real, true me,
But I want you to try and understand,
I need you to accept what you see.
So if you'll be patient and close your eyes,
I'll strip off all my coats real slow.
Please understand how much it hurts
To let the real me show.

Now my coats are all stripped off.
I feel naked, bare and cold,
And if you still love me with all that you see,
You are my friend, pure as gold.

I need to save my paint brush, though,
I want to keep it handy
In case somebody doesn't understand.
So please protect me, my dear friend
And thanks for loving me true,
But please let me keep my paint brush with me
Until I love me, too!

~~Author unknown~~



There's a wonderful gift that can give you a lift,
It's a blessing from heaven above!
It can comfort and bless, it can bring happiness--
It's the wonderful Magic of Love!

Like a star in the night, it can keep your faith bright,
Like the sun, it can warm your hearts, too--
It's a gift you can give every day that you live,
And when given, it comes back to you!

When love lights the way, there is joy in the day
And all troubles are lighter to bear,
Love is gentle and kind, and through love you will find
There's an answer to your every prayer!

May it never departs from your two loving hearts,
May you treasure this gift from above--
You will find if you do, all your dreams will come true,
In the wonderful Magic of Love!

~~Helen Farries~~


Alone NOT

Once there was a lady
who thought she was alone,
but what had she forgotten was
the wonders of the phone

That links across the air
and even across the pond,
to folks who are "not there"
but of Donna they are fond.

So we, who are not with you,
in your flat or down your street,
who hear no barks of dogs
when we visit you and greet

We are still your friends you know,
And I we can help you more indeed
As the prayers that we flow,
Can respond to your every need.

I cannot see my Lord
and he does not ring my bell
But he walks around my world
and He's there for you as well

So this silly rhyme I send
With a message serious too,
It is the friendship with Him, that will never end
That really counts for you.

~~Jean Vann~~


I Care

When you think you're alone
In the middle of the night,
When you've just had an awful dream
And you're shivering with fright,
You lie there alone and scared
And wonder if anyone cares .
If you look into your heart
You'll always find Me there.
Sometimes life is just too hard
And you need to get away.
You need someone to talk to
Who will listen to what you say ,
Someone who will let you know
That they'll always be there.
When you can't find anyone
Just remember that I care.
When there is nowhere else to go
You can always come to Me
I promise that I'll be there
In your greatest hour of need.
I'm sure you can find Me
If you take the time for prayer.
When the whole world seems to hate you,
Just remember that I care.

~~ Author Unknown ~~