Welcome to my Guestbook!

Nicole Smith - 12/24/00 15:44:47
My Email:nsmith6@mailcity.com

Just wanted to tell you how much I like your site and your tips. Your "kids" are very cute!

Bad Bunny - 12/04/00 10:16:51
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

marleneann - 10/28/00 20:49:10
My Email:marleneann@iprimus,com.au

Just surfed in via Miriam's webpage. I am an Australian Lutheran. You girls have put a lot of feeling and work into your sites. Big hug from me.

Keith - 09/19/00 14:30:37
My URL:www.geocities.com/keiths_russia_trip/
My Email:russian_missionary@hotmail.com

Your site looks good. I can tell you've spent a lot of time building it. I have two dogs a Yorkie and an Irish Wolfhound. In February, I and a team of 9 others will be leaving on a short term missions trip to Perm, Russia. Please feel free to visit my sit , it gives many details about the mission! Your brother in the Lord, Keith Davis

Carmen - 09/11/00 12:24:42
My URL:/carmster1999/
My Email:carmster6t9@earthlink.net

Hi there,I really enjoyed my visit,I loved all the pictures and the household tips,they were great,See ya again real soon,Carmen

Kings - 08/30/00 05:12:05
My Email:KingsUSA2000@yahoo.com


God bless your efforts! Keep up the good work! Kings...

Kings Home on the Net

JesusCares Ministries

Pamela Thompson - 08/28/00 14:44:50
My Email:HomeforPamela@aol.com

I LOVED your website! What a great place to visit! One of these days I will have my own too...I hope! Great website! Blessings of the Heart, ~Pamela

Pete - 08/20/00 15:19:28
My Email:peter_rabit@email.com

Howdy I am just an admirrer of you Ladys. Was out looking for a chat our two to get to know maybe one of you Ladys. You have a nice site Miss. Thank you.

roxy - 08/11/00 13:16:24
My URL:http://my.treeway.com/roxycat
My Email:elvid@mailexcite.com

meow meow purr meow

barbara harris - 07/26/00 12:12:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/aldon_atwell
My Email:bath@alltel.com

hi donna i'm new to the ladies fellowship and i loved your site i'm very much into angels and i like dogs too we have a caviler king charles from england. i found that you and i have alot in comin. i love to read poetry and i love to email and get email. nd my friends and family are very important to me. well i hope to hear from you lots. your friend always.

Pam - 07/16/00 15:10:20
My Email:genesearcher@iwon.com

Loved your page. I like blue, but sorry, this page is too bright. Good work on your web page.

Carla - 07/13/00 04:02:31
My Email:Hankysfriend@aol.com

Hi Donna! Great website....love your pups. :-)

Vera Kinsey - 07/12/00 19:52:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/openhandsandhearts
My Email:justvera@aol.com

This is really a very nice site Donna, thank you for being who you are ;-).

RRV - 07/06/00 13:40:03
My Email:rvetter@webtv.net

Hi!!! Excellent web-page.

Doug - 06/12/00 04:45:50
My Email:bulldog9@mediaone.net

Hi Donna! Great web site! Loved reading through it and also love the pics of you and the dogs. Hugs! Doug

Annette Miller - 06/09/00 15:13:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/simplecntrygal/Annette_s_page.html
My Email:AMi9169641@aol.com


Bonnie Hill - 05/10/00 21:51:57
My Email:Bonnieh@webzone.net

Enjoyed your site.

barbara - 05/08/00 00:01:25
My Email:sprocket@lcc.net

donna: i see that my sister has visted your site i hope she did not give any of her advise see is from the far east and she has a lot to learn yet but one thing i can say is she was right you have a great site and i really did like your poems. i also have a lot to learn i'm trying to get as close to god as i can but i seem to have trouble getting there i may make it one day . hugs barbara

kellie - 04/07/00 02:36:44
My Email:barb147@txucom.net

your site is very nice hope you add more soon looks great and love the song. kellie

Regina - 04/05/00 16:05:37
My Email:rd_ray@yahoo.com

Hi Donna, just a mom surfing the net. Hope to have my own webpage soon. Yours is very nice!!! Keep it up!!!

Wolf - 03/22/00 23:16:31
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/insbook/
My Email:bbw@clear.net.nz

Nice one. Keep going!

Nicole Shaul - 03/18/00 23:34:32
My Email:IceeeeN@aol.com

Donna~~ thanks for sharing a bit about yourself! Take care~~ Nicole

Maureen Annette Norman - 03/13/00 22:17:02
My Email:m.a.norman@ic24.net

Donna, this site is really beautiful and shows the deep well of God's love that is within you. I'm copying one of your beautiful messages, to thank you for all I've read here. It is:- Father, Help me to remember to tell someone they are appreciated and that I am grateful for their service. Amen Donna, you are appreciated. Thank you.

shari - 03/01/00 15:24:11
My Email:dazyclover@yahoo.com

I really enjoyed your poetry page

Brenda - 02/18/00 08:44:44
My Email:Grammyto4Angels@aol.com

Hi Donna, Thanks for sending the picture of you and your "kids". You all look great. I am also at goodliverlady1, if you are not familiar with this e-mail addy

bdy64 - 12/25/99 16:09:34
My Email:bdy64@yahoo.com

do you have any CODES for wipeout64 and mortal kombat4 if you do PLEASE e-mail me at bdy64@ yahoo.com bdy64

mary lou webster - 12/03/99 01:12:55
My Email:louwebster@triton.net

Hi donna,... what a lovey site you have, thank you for sharing it with us,. love the music,. and the 23rd psalm is my favorite, as is Phil 4;13. and of course many more,. would love to hear from you on the e-mail. take care and GOD BLESS. MARY LOU WEBSTER

Ben M. Bauman - 11/29/99 23:37:52
My Email:baumanptc@mindspring.com

I just checked out your website and answered my question about the candy bar list. God Bless. Ben

Arwen - 09/23/99 01:24:02
My Email:arwenr@onnetcredit.net

Hi! I LOVE your page. It is so beautiful.

Cheryl - 09/19/99 14:11:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/1167/index.html
My Email:Homegirl777@yahoo.com

Hello my FF, great little homepage you got here. Im glad that I finally came for a visit. Keep up the great work! Please come by my site and be sure to sign my guestbook too! *~*Frendship Huggzz*~*

ed kassirer - 09/17/99 00:51:01
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/infiniteloop/master_of_time
My Email:magi_man@webtv.net

Hi donna,,,,really nice site,,,,did you do it all by yourself, i'll bet one of the "kids" helped!! My site is still under construction, and i have another one at geocities.com/paris/maison/9587/, that is not finished either,,but ..if u like poetry, i wri e and there is some on site, i have LOTS more, but am not a MASTER of site building, if you'd like to help, i'd LOVE it....let me know....BTW,,,i'm ed from Yourself list....LOve ya..:)

Cheryl Y - 08/28/99 06:50:26
My Email:fretoroam@aol.com

Donna, I love your website. Very nice..I especially like the poetry and scriptures. I am into poetry myself. Keep up the wonderful work.

Meor Jalaluddin - 08/16/99 11:04:41
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/mjdin
My Email:meormj@yahoo.com

Hi, How do you do? I'm fine. Your site very nice, I like it. Thanks.

GwinnaAngel - 06/19/99 23:02:21
My Email:gwinna@innerdreams.com

Please come and join Inner Dreams, dedicated to a very worthy cause!


Member of Inner Dreams

Head of Inner Dreams Welcoming Co mittee

Donna Parker - 05/27/99 17:21:52
My Email:sucook@bellsouth.net

I like your site.

Vamp - 05/15/99 05:34:03
My Email:femmeloki@xoommail.com

Merry Meet! its a very gentle loving page you have. The pictures of you and the dogs were an especially good touch!!! =D Vamp (from Aradia.. Im sure we'll get a chance to talk more later.. ;)

May Walz - 04/21/99 00:39:25
My Email:jwalz01@mail.state.mo.us

Hey there! I found your web page! Is 2 Kewl! Did you do all this html stuff? Teach me PLEEEESE! Inline midi,(embedded?) multi-pages, you should be making web pages for people. Make some real money! Talk to ya later.

quietmike - 04/18/99 02:12:02
My Email:bankson@riolink.com

cool page!

A Kindness - 04/18/99 00:24:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Farm/2926


Rick Boyd - 04/07/99 12:09:28
My Email:frrick@wcta.net

Thanks for your "onelist" site and your web page is very nice!

Faye-Linda - 03/26/99 14:05:35
My URL:http://chandrawd.webjump.com/
My Email:chandra@gwi.net

You have a very nice site here Donna! I enjoyed my visit!

Corky - 03/06/99 13:20:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/3385
My Email:corky5@netexp.net

I have enjoyed traveling thru your site.i write poetry and enjoyed your selections.If you would ever like to read mine to see if you would like them for your site..please advise.

Chris - 03/06/99 04:03:03
My URL:http://princecl.webjump.com
My Email:princecl@swbell.net

Great page donna, hope you keep up the good work, its great having your in forever friends

Barry Rummel - 02/02/99 15:15:19
My Email:Barryrum@aol.com

Hi Donna, Hope you enjoy the collies list! Peace, Barry

Linda Jetty - 02/02/99 04:44:49
My Email:norjet@aol.com

Enjoyed the pics of you and your pets. Duke is a love. Autumn is beautiful. My beagle is a mix with cocker spanial but looks all beagle. Her name is Maggie. She is 7 years old.owwoooooooo

polly - 02/01/99 18:41:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/or/visitxme

Nice page, I think your Duke looks a lot like our beagle mix Rizzo. Her pic. is up at my homepage, stop by and visit her if you want.

Becky - 01/31/99 03:58:26
My URL:http://members.truepath.com/Tigger4Jesus/index.html
My Email:tigger@cvc.net

Hi Donna, Love your webpage. Please go and visit mine.=) I will come back and visit some more. Take care and God bless

Steve Brown - 01/28/99 10:32:13
My Email:SBrown1413

I enjoyed the roses and your introduction, thanks. I do astrology as a hobby if you want a chart reading for personal amusement. I will eamil some poetry to you too because I love to write it.

Craig Colby - 01/28/99 09:13:28
My Email:craigcolby@compuserve.com

Hi, I like your website a lot, and it was nice talking to you, take care

Sylvia Greene - 01/25/99 11:57:15
My URL://http://www.soft.net.uk/ashford/iromance/story3.htm
My Email:silviagreene@mindspring.com

HiDonna! I belong to your mailing list and I really enjoy it very much. I am from Argentina residing in Atlanta. Thanks for your time.

Claudia - 01/02/99 05:10:26
My URL:http://pw2.netcom.com/~ladyrose/index.html
My Email:LadyRose@ix.netcom.com

Your site is just wonderful!!! Thanks so much for visiting mine and for your kind words! The poetry you chose is really touching. I loved the time I spent here. Keep up all the good work!

GiGi - 12/20/98 17:37:48
My Email:Gmcec@aol.com

Hi.. Donna =) Love n hugs to you.. Your page was great..

Vonne Emery - 12/08/98 03:39:49
My Email:cherivo@aracnet.com

Donna, you've done a beautiful job on your web page! And your doggies are so adorable and sweet as I know you are! Be good to yourself, you have many people who care about you. :)

Judi - 12/06/98 13:10:28
My URL:http://http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/3544/index.html
My Email:jgrant@ime.net

Hi Donna; Love your site,will be back,Judi.From "FF"

Amber - 12/02/98 19:27:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/8798/index.html
My Email:nsyp2@snowcrest.net

HI DONNA!! it's me from FF... Just wanted to stopin and say hello. You have such a warm site.. I really enjoyed myself while visiting.... ***Hugs***

Vera Kinsey - 11/12/98 17:52:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1324
My Email:justvera@aol.com or Jus4Jesus@aol.com

Wonderful page Donna, thank you for being willing to share your life and faith in God with others.

Nancy - 11/12/98 06:28:23
My URL:http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/nlorieau/
My Email:nlorieau@compusmart.ab.ca

Hi Donna, I linked here from Miriam's page. I am a LOTH sister of hers. (You should join, too -- you'd like it.) I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and am a grandmother and have cats. It was great getting to know you. Sending love and hugs, Nancy

Jay - 11/12/98 02:39:55
My Email:tygerpaws@mindspring.com

You're a beautiful person. -Love the dog.

Allen J. Bozeman - 11/07/98 06:16:52
My URL:http://www.marketersworld.com/members/aboz
My Email:abozeman@aol.com

Hi;-) Your friend Allen, nice page.

Terri - 11/05/98 14:43:06
My Email:bennett@ce.clayton.edu

Nice pages :)

aldear - 11/04/98 03:12:32
My URL:http://web tv

hello just wanted you to know your music is a nicetolisten to while reading your bio. aldear

Carey - 10/25/98 05:45:15
My Email:pixel@redrose.net

Hi Donna! Just here to look at your page. :-) I'm glad you included a pic of you and your dog! I have 3 dogs myself.

- 10/23/98 04:35:30


Jean - 10/22/98 17:49:05

How are you doing? Not seen much frm you lately. Please pray for Robin in CA

carol - 10/17/98 23:41:09
My Email:carolj@xtra.co.nz

Donna what a lovely homepage gee you are so clever to do this i amstill trying to set up my ownbut don't know wht to put or evenhow to go about it any comments would be welcome love carol

Amber - 10/16/98 02:23:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Villa/8798/ndex.html
My Email:flowrpwr@hotmail.com

great page!! We have a lot in common...we love our dogs!!! I will be putting pics of my "babies" on my page soon. then you can see them

Corky - 10/12/98 03:17:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/DreamEscapes
My Email:corky5@netexp.net

Hello!!!!!!! Thanks for sending me here. I am going to get busy and look at all of your site..what a sweet "child" you have!!!!!

Pat - 10/10/98 02:25:29
My Email:kdg80@sssnet.com

Donna, I am a dog lover too. They are like my children and I have human children too.A neat site and I will visit often.Forever friends

Diann Rinas - 10/09/98 17:42:29
My Email:rosebud8@concentric.net

Friends forever!!!

Anya/Bobbi - 10/09/98 02:20:19
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/o/b/bobbi2227.html
My Email:bobbi@sunwave.net

Great pages hon......thanks for inviting me to share your world. hug and blessingz sister...*S*

Kevin - 10/08/98 03:26:39
My Email:starwacher@juno.com

Hey girl, whassup???? :)_ I love those pic of autumn..

Savy Webster - 10/07/98 06:54:04
My Email:jjcody@3rock.co.za

Donna I am also a dog lover and I do love your site very much. The more I look at your site the more I see my dogs in it. Congratulation a site worth viewing and keep up the good work

Charlotte Guthrie - 10/07/98 04:58:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/9588/
My Email:CharGuth@aol.com

Enjoyed learning about you and your interest. A forever friend.

Judi - 10/07/98 00:52:08
My URL:http://not yet
My Email:jgrant@ime.net

Hi Donna ,I'm annother friend from FF.Enjoyed your pages, real nice.A dog lover is a-ok in my books,Huggs, Judi

Allen J. Bozeman - 10/07/98 00:16:53
My URL:http://www.marketersworld.com/members/aboz
My Email:abozeman@aol.com

Hello Donna;-) I enjoyed reading your homepage. @@->->--- Allen(FOF)

Faye-Linda McGovern - 10/06/98 22:12:34
My URL:http://www.gwi.net/~flinda/index.html
My Email:flinda@gwi.net

Wow Donna! Great web site....keep up the good work! Love and Hugs from Maine.

Sandi - 10/06/98 21:12:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/5774
My Email:sandi910@swbell.net

What neat pages, thanks I enjoyed them so much.

- 10/06/98 19:49:00

Wow! I forgot I wrote that poem. I am FAMOUS on the WEb!! YIPPPEE Lovely site Donna and I love your picture. How wonderful!

Belver - 10/06/98 19:25:38
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.com/dfan
My Email:belve@aol.com

Donna, The page looks great!..:) Belver

Audree - 10/06/98 17:07:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/5746/
My Email:Audree@worldnet.att.net

Hello My Forever Friend, I am back and love the poetry, some you have is my fav, and I like the one about you and the kids. Keep up the good work and keep your chin up honey:-) bye for now!

becky - 10/06/98 16:01:16
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ReflectionsRd/garnet10/index.html
My Email:garnte10@webtv.net

what a lovely collection of poems! i decided i had to print them because a few hit so close to my heart. it's nice meeting you and your "kids." i especially like the "kid" at the end of your first page....so CUTE! come visit my page and catch you later. ..so many nice people in Forever Friends!

Tracy Crocker - 10/06/98 15:44:38
My Email:tc@sonic.net

Great website! Your furbabies are so cute! Don't worry, I let mine up on the bed too so I wouldn't say a word. Love all the pictures and the poetry. Thanks for sharing! Tracy

Kay Johnson - 10/04/98 00:34:46
My Email:hoppy10@webtv.net

Hi Donna I like yor website Keep up the good work.

Angie - 09/21/98 20:13:11
My URL:http://www.cobweb.net/~ang
My Email:ang@cobweb.net

Hiyas, Great Page, your "kids" are adorable :) Have fun on Forever Friends, hope to see more posts from you :) *huggles and giggles* :)

David Ouimet - 09/06/98 02:15:45
My Email:douimet@uniserve.com


Jim "Altar Boy" Littrell - 08/13/98 17:24:53
My URL:http://kpla.com
My Email:jim@kpla.com

Neat page Donna! It's nice to finally see what you look like! jim

Heidi - 07/21/98 01:20:59
My Email:WinterHLP@aol.com

Hey Donna! Great homepage. It's very uplifting. Heidi

Mauricio Solórzano - 07/20/98 23:58:13
My Email:msolorzano@monterrey-aetna.com.mx

Hi there Donna ! I'm excited, now I see who I'm talking to. Thanks. You really have a beautiful site. If I have some spare time, I will try to do my own web site and upload it to geocities. I love the dog you put at the bottom, it's real cute! I'm going to save it to disk, so I hope you don't mind. Talking of dogs, mine died two months ago and I was real depressed. He cought a desease called "moquillo", I don't know how it's translated into English. Well, catch you latter, alligator. Mauricio from Mexico City.

Baerbel - 07/20/98 22:17:32
My Email:BSCSchmidt@aol.com

Wow! Up to now I didn't manage to build a homepage - perhaps I will ask you how you constructed it.... Nice song, just this evening in the rehearsal we sung it! :-) All the best for you! Tomorrow I will leave for holiday - we'll hear from each other mid-August again..

Lisa LeFever - 07/20/98 13:10:41
My Email:ll31@cornell.edu

Hi Donna!! Love your web page! Take care! Lisa

.com - 07/20/98 02:24:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3053
My Email:jrjet@mtco.com

Hiya Donna! Looks like you have a good start to a great looking page! Keep in touch, been thinking about you lately....

Tracy Crocker - 07/19/98 15:26:31
My Email:tc@sonic.net

Simple and lovely, especialy the photo. Thanks for inviting me to your website. I like it very much. Tracy

Sherrie Allen - 07/19/98 07:06:52
My Email:allofus@cyberstate.infi.net

Hiya, Donna. Wow. You and Miriam did a great job. You sent this picture with your Christmas Cards last year! I kept it :o) Well, the page looks great. Keep up the good work. Kiss them doggies for me. God Bless You, I'm sending you a great big hug ((((HUG)))) Sherrie

Kevin Smith - 07/19/98 02:34:29
My Email:starwatcher@juno.com

:) Hey dude...

Ruth Anne Wheeler - 07/19/98 00:16:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~da2ofus/index.html
My Email:da2ofus@concentric.net

Hiya Donna! Great start! If you ever want any help with HTML, or finding graphics or whatever, give me a holler! Hugs, Ruth Anne

Chief - 07/18/98 16:06:26
My Email:chiefron@ocslink.com

Nice Page..Grinders RULE! LOL, give them there doggies some luvins for me..

Charlie Bear - 07/18/98 11:05:32
My Email:cvcv73@epix.net

HI Donna, Nice site...I'm a dog lover too. Keep on Grindin'!

Poe - 07/18/98 08:53:43

Loved your web site Donna Love Poe xxxxx

Barb Radisavljevic - 07/18/98 05:16:20
My URL:http://fp.tcsn.net/barbsbooks
My Email:barbrad@tcsn.net

I like your ideas. I'm waiting to see how your page develops. Barb

Casper - 07/18/98 02:37:02
My Email:hrnyghst@aol.com


LJ Morgan - 07/18/98 02:24:26
My Email:insomno1@aol.com

Hi Donna, It's just me. I love what you have here so far. This looks great! I just adore the little puppy at the bottom of the page . Also, the real pup is a doll too. Be sweet and see you back at the GRIND. hugs, LJ 7/17/1998

Carla - 07/17/98 23:38:48
My Email:CDixon7481@aol.com

Your page is great Donna! I'm impressed! Carla :)

Tammy - 07/17/98 22:49:13
My Email:tross@coffey.com

Donna--it is nice to put a face with the name! Good work.

stanley thoenen - 07/17/98 22:04:04
My Email:sjt66@webtv.com

hey donna it great to have a web site isn't it

Helen - 07/17/98 20:42:31
My URL:http://www2.wcoil.com/~h_isen/
My Email:h_isen@wcoil.com

Looking Good Donna! Your Friend Helen

ratfink - 07/17/98 16:44:58
My URL:http://conk.com/world/discorat

Hey Donna, great page. See ya in chat.

Marlene Campbell - 07/17/98 16:14:12
My Email:gmcpath1@pathcom.com

Hi Donna, Neat website. Isn't the list fun......ForeverPals. Love Marlene

Deb - 07/17/98 15:46:58
My Email:azmataz@aol.com

Hey, Donna - I was here!

Dot - 07/17/98 15:28:14
My Email:dotmail@webtv.net

Hi Donna......Love your web page.....I am a dog lover too.....;-) Mine is a Cocker Spaniel... Your friend in FF

Natalie Bourne - 07/17/98 12:20:02
My URL:http://www.icon.co.zw/natalie
My Email:pavlovic@icon.co.zw

Hi Donna! Your main page looks bright and lovely, I'll be back soon to see all the wonderful things you're going to be addding here! All the best and keep up the nice work on your page!

Denny Martin - 07/17/98 11:58:50
My URL:http://www.mirabilis.com/7752380
My Email:DMartin984@aol.com

Hey Donna... good looking site here.... keep up the good work.... write and tell me more about this site and how you got it going and stuff, okay?.... I'll see you later...

Miriam - 07/17/98 04:46:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/9743
My Email:miriam@worldnetla.net

Just wanted to say "hi!"

My Home Page | Visit Heartland/Bluffs | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage