For He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:11

Knowing angels requires a leap of faith - a willingness to believe in their presence and their care.

May angles go before you always.

Angels are heavenly, pure, and splendid, and yet have been given us to keep us company on our way. Pope Pius XI

There is no need to look forward or backward. Instead, look up.

Angels minister to us, even when we don't believe.

The starry skies are ablaze with the presence of angels.

Angles affect us often, and are revered. - John Donne

The world is a beautiful place because we walk with angels.

Sweet, saintly angel who has stood by me in times of trouble, your presence comforts me.

I will not wish thee riches nor the glow of greatness, but that wherever you go.... your path shall be a track of light, like angels' footsteps passing through the night. Church Inscription

Everyone, no matter how humble he may be, has angels to watch over him. - Pope Pius XI

The name angel refers to their office, not their nature. You ask the name of this nature, it is spirit; you ask its office, it is that of an angel, which is a messenger. - St. Augustine

There is always time to look for angels.

The song of angels - music, simple and serene.

Quiet moments are filled with angels.

An angel is a gift too prescious for words.

Angels delight in giving directions, so that we may find our path and find our way.

Blessed are the angels, the happiness makers.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.....[if I have not love] 1 Corinthians 13:1

Angels carry God's love letters to the world.

Take the hand of an angel, and follow your heart.

Seek the angel in others, and treasure it's presence.

Angles and ministers of grace defend us. - Shakespeare

Dimples are the sign of an angel's kiss.

Praise him all the angels; praise him all his host. - Psalm 1 48:2

Do a favor and win a friend forever. Nothing can untie that bond.
                 - Proverbs 18:19 (The Message)