Majlát de Zéch Coat of Arms

Majlát de Zéch Coat of Arms

This family was not related to the Maylád de Szunyogszeg, or the Mailáth de Székhely families. The coat of arms was granted to Majlát Sebestyén (Sebastian) de Zéch, to his wife Erdélyi Erzsébet (Elizabeth) and their son János (John) on 24 September 1608 at Gyulafehérvár, Erdély, Hungary by the Regent of Erdély, Báthory Gábor (Gabriel).

Majlát Sebestyén served in the military and held the rank of captain when he was elevated to the nobility. According to Dr. Karácsonyi János, Majlát Sebestyén was from the village of Szecse in Csanád county of historical Hungary. This county no longer exists since it was amalgamated with Csongrád (and Békés) county of modern Hungary.

Csanád County Coat of Arms Csanád County of Historical Hungary

Szecse does not appear on any map. There is a Szécs in Szilágy county of historical Hungary (now in Rumania).

Szilágy County Coat of Arms

Szécs in Szilágy County of historical Hungary

Szécs is now called Somlyószécs by Hungarians, and Sici by the Rumanians. It is 7 Km. from Szilágy-Somlyo or as the Rumanians say, Şimleu Silvanie.


Last updated 3 January 1999

Maintainer T. Majlath