~~My Brasilian Garden~~

Our Brasilian Son lives here...

I would like to introduce you to Our Brasilian Son, Andre`, he is a Brasilian Exchange Student who lived with us in the school year of 1989-1990. In the short time that he lived with us, He became "Our Brasilian Son" and We became "His American Parents." And we are so very proud to call him "Our Son". Andre` is from Sao Paulo, Brasil. He lives with his Mother, Celia, in Sao Paulo. His Father, Jose Roberto, lives in Porto Seguro in the State of Bahia. His Sister, Tamara, who is 25 years old, lives in Sorocaba and goes to Medical School there at the University. Andre`, who is 28 years old, graduated from the University and now works at The Nestle` Company in Sao Paulo. He will soon be married and will add another to our Beautiful Brasilian Family, Alesandra. We have had the opportunity of visiting his beautiful country and his wonderful Family twice. Our youngest Son, Michael had the opportunity of going to Brasil in his school year of 1990-1991, and lived with His Brasilian Brother and His Family. He attended school while living in Sao Paulo. He then went back for a visit after his Graduation here in 1992. We are looking forward to another trip to see "Our Son" in the near future. Andre` has been back home four times and we had the Honor of his whole Family visiting with us here in The Great State of Ohio. We welcome Andre` and all of his Family to come home to Ohio for a visit...looking forward to then as we miss Andre` very very much!! We learned so very much about Andre`'s Country when he lived here and also when we visited with him, we learned about the culture of Brasil, about their Government, their life style, their food and above all we were so Blessed with meeting all of his Family and their Friends while being in their lovely home.
"Querido Filho,
Muito obrigada por seu amor.
Mei Deus ser com voce.
Eu te amo...
Abracos e Beijos,
Seu Americano Mae"
I will try to tell you a little about Andre`'s Country...Sao Paulo is Brasil's largest city, both in area and in population. It is one of the country's most important commercial centers. Above is a map of Brasil. Also the flag is their Brasilian Flag and the music that you are listening to is Their National Anthem. The climate is mainly Tropical...which makes Sao Paulo such a beautiful City to vacation in...They speak Portuguese but Andre` and all of his Family speak fluent English. Their Religion is mainly Roman Catholic. Brasil is the size of the United States plus the size of another State of Texas with a population of just under 20 million people. Two million people live in 1st world conditions and eighteen million people are destitute, living in 3rd world slums called Favelas. As you probably noticed, Brasilians spell the name of their country as Brasil and we have learned to know their country as Brazil so I have not misspelled the name of their beautiful Country!!

~~An aerial view of Downtown Sao Paulo~~

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