One more Summer, Mother,
But, then I'd want till Fall..
And then I'd ask for Winter, and
Spring....four seasons more.
What season did you love most?
Your quest for life makes me believe
That you love living NOW.
Can you see us, hear us, whisper to us?
Do you think of us? Are you content?
Tell me, Mother! No, I know..
You're there and HERE!
What do you think about Dennis?
Do you watch him in the sandbox?
While I've been indoors, have you come
to him for a hug and kiss? Isn't he a
KISSY baby? I wish he could have seen you..
Or has he?
David is growing....first grade this Fall.
He understands better than I. In his
Silence, he pats my shoulder, and wipes my tears...
And he knows his Grammy with CURLY hair..
And slide boxes..and pill boxes.. and
Extra a vivid memory of LOVE.
And Dori, Mom, you never spelled her name
Right....but I don't wrote to her.
She loves her letter from Santa..(that was
Spelled "Dorielle" too.) She's a big girl now.
Did you see her at the beach?
Lover of the out of doors.
Swims like HER mother
Years and years before.
Dean is good, he gives me strength,
For I am weak and find it very difficult
To accept not touching you..or shopping with you..
Or just doing NOTHING with you.
I know your pain is gone.... I am happy.
You held me much when I had pain.
Do you miss Daddy? You called for him so
Often your last days on did
Love him.. I'm keeping touch....he misses you
But you can see how busy he is at work.
What season do you love most?
What season comes first?
WINTER! You went wild in winter, with
CHRISTMAS..but remember when Jo and
You and I had to shovel snow to go to
Work each morn? Yet how you loved putting
On your house robe and watching the snow
Flakes tumble? What do snowflakes look
Like from ABOVE?
Or do you like SPRING when Winter has
Been too long? And your climbing rose
Begins to bud.. and all of your flowers
Surround the home you loved so?
And SUMMER meant the weekends
With trailers, trucks and T-BONE STEAKS!!!
And bright pink geraniums..
Then FALL brought leaves to rake.
And WINTER projects started again, but this
Year, I'll finish them, Mother.
One more SUMMER? Mother?
Would I then want AUTUMN?
And WINTER..your birthday..and
Zillions of packages for Christmas!!
I love you, Mrs. Arthur E. Feuerherm,
Alias, "Mrs. Store Lady"!!
This piece from my heart, was written by me a short time after my Mother died of multiple myeloma on March 4, 1972. Incredibly, that is 36 years ago. She fought a long hard battle. The music is "Whispering Hope", her favorite song. She bought a piano for my sister, Jo and me, but she herself, could play and sing only one piece. This midi actually sounds like the way she played it. She was an angel on earth, no doubt about her job description now.
Page created October 7, 1998 and maintained
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