

Perhaps I've been writing poems all my life and just didn't know it. I recall writing required poetry in school, maybe I'll find that some day. And I wrote lyrics to music when I was in high school, it was really sappy stuff, maybe I'll find that too, some day. I wrote a poem when my Mother died in 1972. That is the first time I recall actually typing it up, printing it out and saving it. Then my little dog Mitzi died and I did the same. Was I destined to be a death poet? I can happily tell you that the writing of that poem led me to a deep and dear friendship with a lovely lady from Philly, who had recently lost her dog, Lucky. We are friends to this day.

Then along came into my life, someone called Dreamwalker who had been writing poems for a long long time, really good stuff and she made outstanding graphics to go with them. She is the host of Moments To Remember, a website featuring the poetry of a number of fine people. Just for fun, one day I gave her one of my poems which she "gussied up" and made me a featured poet on her site. I was thrilled to see my writing in print and guess what happened? It fueled a fire within and I'm now enjoying writing a little here, a little there. So here you will find links to my poems, I hope you enjoy them even half as much as I did writing them.






Graphics by Marilyn

The window graphic was made by Connie.
© By Connie (CSThomas@aol.com)

The music is "The Twelfth of Never" by Johnny Mathis, of course.
"I love you 'till the poets run out of rhyme
Until the twelfth of never and that's a long, long time".

All songs throughout my websites are for my evaluation(s)
and/or music listening and educational purposes only.
All copyrights holders still retain any and all of their rights.
Please support all recording artists by purchasing their CD's/Tapes.
No financial gain is made by this website; just music appreciation.

Page Created March 30, 2008

&lt;BGSOUND SRC="/Heartland/Bluffs/9389/whenachildisbornM.wav" LOOP=INFINITE&gt;