~ Coffee For Two ~



On life's busy thoroughfares
We meet with angels unawares--
So, Father, make us kind and wise
So we may always recognize
The blessings that are ours to take,
The friendships that are ours to make,
If we but open our heart's door wide
To let the sunshine of love inside.

by Helen Steiner Rice
Salesian Missions

A friend hears the song in my heart
and sings it to me when my memory fails.

Pioneer Girls Leaders' Handbook

A true friend laughs at your stories even when they're not so good,
and sympathizes with your troubles even when they're not so bad.

Irish proberb


It's nice to have a friend like you
With whom my heart can share
Its little hopes and fondest dreams
Because you really care.
It's good to know I need but call
In case my foot should slip,
You're like a lighthouse in the fog
That guides my little ship.
It's nice to have a friend like you
Within this "vale of tears,"
Someone who never changes,
However long the years,
Who sees beyond the features,
And all the outward show,
And needs no words to read the thoughts
That only friends can know,
It's nice to have a friend like you,
Forever and a day,
Who through the good times and the bad,
Will never go away.
No matter what the future holds,
Whatever life may send,
I'll always know I have been blessed
...Because you are my friend!

by Grace E. Easley
Salesian Missions

A true friend never gets in your way-
unless you happen to be on your way down.

Arnold H. Glasow

A real friend helps us think our best thoughts,
do our noblest deeds, be our finest selves.


The language of friendship is not words, but meanings.
Henry David Thoreau


Come, sit in the garden with me, dear friend,
And lift up your face to feel the warm sun;
The gentle soft breeze will keep your brow cool,
The fragrance of flowers has just now begun.
Come, listen with me in the garden, dear friend,
The bird song is offered in concert today;
As tunes of the insects are humming for you,
Bright Madame Butterfly flaunts her array.
Remember with me in the garden, dear friend,
Our days filled with love, with friendship and joy;
Memories fresher than this warm Spring morn
Bloom in our hearts to recall and enjoy.
Come, lean upon me in the garden, dear friend,
Surrounded by warmth and beauty and love;
Take rest here until your strength shall return,
Feel God's healing presence fill you from above.

by Elsie M. Happe
Salesian Mission

Friends will not only live in harmony, but in melody.
Henry David Thoreau

The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing
is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away.

Barbara Kingsolver


Friends are very precious things
Sent by God above,
To show how very much He cares
And to express His love.

Friends are made to cherish
And treat with loving care,
To multiply our pleasures
And all our burdens share.

I thank God for your friendship,
It means so much to me;
And may we walk together
Throughout eternity.

by Vera B. Parker
Salesian Mission

Friends are forever,
They laugh, they love, they share
Each other's thought and words,
And most of all, they care.
Friends can come and go
And never be apart,
Because they keep
Each other's smiles
Deep within their heart.
Friends can laugh and talk and cry
And think of lovely times gone by,
But most of all-
They love until they die.

by Dona M. Maroney
Salesian Missions


There always is a friend in need
Along life's lonely way;
Don't count on him to ask you,
Just be there for him today.

Just knowing there is "someone"
Is often all it takes
To lift a body's spirits
And a loyal friendship makes.

A smile, a little laughter,
A letter that you send,
Can make a world of difference
At a time one needs a friend.

An arm to proudly lean on
In times of stress or strife,
Can truly be a blessing
On the road we know as life.

by Catherine Janssen Irwin
Salesian Mission


Precious Dee's wonderful friend page

Another Friend Page from Dee

The music is "Sweet Caroline" sung by Neil Diamond
My thanks to my dear friend, Beverly, for sending me this music,
you are cherished, please be well.


All songs throughout my websites are for my evaluation(s)
and/or music listening and educational purposes only.
All copyrights holders still retain any and all of their rights.
Please support all recording artists by purchasing their CD's/Tapes.
No financial gain is made by this website; just music appreciation.

Page originally created March, 1999 and re-done April, 2008


<BGSOUND SRC="/Heartland/Bluffs/9389/sweetcar.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>