There's more of my favorites and where do I put them? This looks like a good spot.
These are the things like "sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of". If you are old enough to know that rhyme, then you've come to the right place. These are the things that I "oooo" and "ahhh" over, the "pretties". I love these things. It's a contest, but for now, first on the list is CRABTREE & EVELYN. Uhmmmm, "Nantucket Briar" is the most wonderful scent. Something new for me is ORIGINS, oh my have you tried their Ginger Souflee, Vanilla/Lavender, or how about the Chocolate!! I also love the scent of Plumeria from BATH & BODY SHOP which is a division of another favorite of mine, VICTORIA'S SECRET. I didn't know that until I did this page. There's a wonderful shop in Evansville,Indiana called ROSE MARIES where many "lovelies" are found, mostly collectibles. It's a wonderful place to go at Christmas time.  Now that we are back in Michigan, my favorite little shop is Adams Madams in Central Lake. A couple hours away is my favorite shop of all time Bronners CHRISTmas Wonderland.
 It is an amazing place, the biggest Christmas store in the world. And just a hop, skip and a jump from our house is our favorite place to eat called THE BLUE PELICAN. They make crab cakes that cannot be matched. While we are in the area, a gentle walk from our home is BROWNWOOD FARMS who make wonderful cherry products. 
I used to devour VICTORIA MAGAZINE each and every month, they ceased publication for a few years, but I am happy to learn they are now back. I also enjoy MARY ENGELBRIET HOME COMPANION . I also love those standards..FAMILY CIRCLE
and WOMANS DAY. I'm also enjoying the Martha Stewart magazine, LIVING a lot more than I thought I would. And I enjoy getting catalogs like GOOSEBERRY is so much fun to read. It delights the heart. Talk about sugar and spice and goodies, SUSAN MORGAN CHEESECAKES are a fantasy. She uses Belgian chocolate to make seashells for the cakes and taupe-colored sugar turns into "sand" for the cake pictured here. 
I love the "shell" art of MARGARET FURLONG and used to collect her sweet little angels.
I love flowers, any flowers, but especially PURPLE ones. I love my GARDENS and wrote a poem about them, just recently. I actually love just about anything purple. There's a poem I need to find to put here, called, "When I Am Old, I Shall Wear Purple." It just about says it all, folks, and I'm sitting here in my purple skort and lavender shirt. Even my W.W.J.D. bracelet is purple. But here is a guy who likes purple even more than I do, his name is PURPAUL. Do you think I have a favorite Fortune 500 Company? Yes, I do, it's AMGEN but almost STEELCASE because they are the makers of my favorite computer chair, the Criterion, which is upholstered...Purple, of course. It's a beauty!!

My dreams? Well, a short term one, when I first did this page, was a BAREFOOT CRUISE which we accomplished several years ago with some really neat friends. We were on the Mandalay for 2 FABULOUS weeks. Last year, we went on the HOLLAND AMERICA 12 day cruise of my dreams with my sister and her husband. Our trip was to 6 countries around the Black Sea. You can see our pictures HERE if you would like. A WHISTLER ski trip in February with family is something we look forward to each year and the ultimate retirement dream is happening right here, right now at TORCH LAKE enjoying the sunsets with my sweetheart husband, of 45 years.

Coming soon

Image used painting by French artist,
Francois Martin-Kavel 1861-1918

The song is "Three Times A Lady" by Johnny Mathis, from his 1981 album, The Silver Anniversary Album
Click here: A Fabulous YouTube of the Song
All songs throughout my websites are for my evaluation(s)
and/or music listening and educational purposes only. All
copyrights holders still retain any and all of their rights.
Please support all recording artists by purchasing their
CD's/Tapes. No financial gain is made by this website; just
music appreciation.
Created with love just for you, first in September 1998 and updated November 2006. |