"Camping With Shayna"

This is Shayna Lynn 9 years old, on the last day of Day Camp at Hayo-Went-Ha
Michigan. It is her third year at this wonderful camp.

Each day the campers, called Sparks, arrive at 9 AM at this building.
They hang their backpacks up on the pegs on the wall, change into their swim
suits and head down to Torch Lake for the Polar Bear swim. Some of their
activities/crafts take place in this building.

Friday, July 20, 2007, was Fabulous indeed, as the parents, grandparents and
friends were all invited to the camp for a noon picnic and program.

Shayna and her friend, Emily are in the front of the picture.

The counselors, wearing hot green shirts, shared hot dogs with the campers.

After lunch, the counselors introduced themselves to the guests.
Most of Shayna's counselors were from the UK, particularly
Australia and New Zealand.
Here are Amanda, Jessie, Matt, Chunk, Rori, and Viona.

Songs are being announced.

Everyone is enjoying and singing the songs.

And they are truly, silly, fun songs and everyone sings.

Shayna is beaming about her Polar Bear Award.

She is especially proud of her Bravery Award for going down the Zip Line.

This is the huge tepee on the campground where some games are played.

This is the logo for Camp Hayo-Went-Ha.

Here are Anthony and Shayna peeking out of the tepee.
Anthony is her cousin and my third grandson.

Everyone loves swinging on the old Tire Swing, My turn, My turn.

Anthony is giggling about Shayna falling out of the slide.

Anthony is encouraging his new little friend, Libby to climb up the ladder.

Grandpa is wondering when it's HIS turn. Smiles

The big guy in the white shirt is Shayna's brother, Dennis: my second grandson.
He went to camp last year, but is too old for Day Camp this year.

Libby and her Grandma are enjoying the BIG swing at camp.

Here are Anthony, Shayna and Emily climbing the wall at camp.

Nothing like climbing a wall with a great friend.

This is the old firepit, not used much in Day Camp.
You can see the climbing wall in the background.

Now this is the highlight event of the camp, it's called Four Square.
The object is for the 4 people in the square to catch the ball on the bounce,
in his/her square only, or you're OUT. The big guy in the blue striped shirt
is Big Dennis, my son, Shayna's Father.

The handsome young man holding the green ball is Dennis, Shayna's brother.

And this is Emily and Shayna saying "goodbye" at camp for this year.
They have camped together for 3 years now, and each comes to Northern
Michigan to visit their Grandparents and go to camp.

And here are Shayna and Grandma.


The song is "What Time Is It" from High School Musical 2"

All songs throughout my websites are for my evaluation(s)
and/or music listening and educational purposes only.
All copyrights holders still retain any and all of their rights.
Please support all recording artists by purchasing their CD's/Tapes.
No financial gain is made by this website; just music appreciation.

Page created August 17, 2007

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