There are words that touch our hearts and we remember them as such.
These are some of my favorites.
I will try to give credit wherever I can.

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some
have entertained ANGELS unawares....from Hebrews 13:2

Some people come into our lives...and quickly go.
Some people move our souls to dance...they awaken us to
understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom.
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon ....
They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our
hearts, and we are never, ever the same.

Time will pass and we will part,
but true friends stay close at heart.

SERVICE is the rent we pay, for the space we occupy on God's earth.

Let us then, plant with diligence and care the garden of the soil, but let us,
with far deeper earnestness, tend the garden of our hearts.
From the British magazine The Cottage Gardner (1849)

Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house.
Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor....
let no one come to you without leaving better or happier.
Be the living expression of God's kindness;
kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness
in your smile and kindness in your warm greeting.

Mother Teresa

The road to a friend's house is never long.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred...let me sow love.
Where there is injury...pardon.
Where there is
Where there is despair...hope.
Where there is darkness...light.
Where there is
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be to console,
To be to understand,
To be to love,
It is in giving...that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
It is in dying...that we are born to eternal life.
St. Francis of Assisi

In this whole world that we live in
There is one great joy, that everyone can share.
The joy of giving to the people for whom we care.
If you show love in small ways, it is always there.
To be giving and forgiving,
is to know the reason why we're living.
What's so hard about giving?
It's a perfectly simple art.
The trick is to live with love from the start,
And to give with an open heart.

From Christmas Eve with Johnny Mathis

A Diamond is a piece of coal that performed well under pressure.

I expect to pass through this life but once.
Any good, therefore, that I can do,
Or any kindness that I can show to any fellow human being,
Let me do it now...for I shall not pass this way again.
William Penn

Live so that when you are gone, it will have mattered that you were here.

Prayer for those facing change..
Oh, God, in this time of change and unrest,
Help us to sort living truths from dying customs.
Help us to have the courage to look beyond
The unexpected and familiar ways,
And the humility tot recognize the wisdom of them.
Avery Brooke

I Believe in Angels!

Blend a little bit of time, with a lot of common ground,
And you get a Magnitude of infinity plus one,
On the familiar Love Line.
Dean Branson, 1962

Miracles are all around within our sight and touch and sound.
Helen Steiner Rice

And for my epitaph, years from now...
"The shell is here but the nut is gone".

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