Crawford AuSable
Day Care & Preschool
Class of 2007
May 25, 2007

2007 Graduates
Nicholas Frederick
Colton Laskowski
Katherine (Katie) Snider
Anthony Tipkey
Olivia VanDeVen
Crystal Watters

Class Song: Do I Make You Proud
by: Taylor Hicks
Class Colors:
Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Turquoise
Class Flower:Carnation

Yes, Anthony, you DO make us proud

Singing: "Do I Make You Proud?"

Anthony and Mom

Anthony and Grandpa

Anthony and Grandma

Anthony and Crystal
These pictures of Anthony's were on the wall in his classroom
The first one shows his progress in writing and drawing.
The second he is jumping out into the brave new world of adventure.

The following pictures were in a wonderful photo
album that Anthony's teachers and helpers made for each student

Crawford AuSable Day Care Staff:
Preschool Teacher: Mrs. Gail Fenton
Executive Director: Margaret Skidmore
Assistant Director: Marsha Wakeley
Child Care Professionals: Elizabeth Crittenden and Sammi Wakeley


All songs throughout my websites are for my evaluation(s)
and/or music listening and educational purposes only. All
copyrights holders still retain any and all of their rights.
Please support all recording artists by purchasing their
CD's/Tapes. No financial gain is made by this website; just
music appreciation.
Page created May 28, 2007 by Anthony's Grandma