Our Pretty MaMa

We still mess you very much.Hope still comes to play.Joyce is working her self to death..We are Ok. Linda Jo had nose surgery Shirley has got to go get her Liver checked.O and they are being mean to me too. Just wanted to let you know.. That is all.
We loves you MaMa!!!
A someone like you, a pal so good and true I'd like to leave it all behind and go and find. A place that's known to God alone, Just a spot to call our very own. We'll Find that perfect peace, where joys will never cease Out there beneath the kindly sky's. We'll build a sweet little nest somewhere out in the west And let the rest of the world go by!!
We loves you MaMa!!!

"The Mama"

This is one of the last pictures we got to be togeather.We want to thank everybody for all the prayers and support and our Mama thanks everyone also!!
I was picked from all the rest.
To hold you close against my breast.
To warm, to feed, to comfort you.
Yes, I was picked and tried my best.
To hold you close, but not to press.
I made mistakes, too many to tell,
From lacking of wisdom, and loving too well.
So, Dear Child of mine, think kindly of me,
I tried awfully hard a good mother to be.
Then one day soon, when you're put to the test,
You'll make your mistakes, but please do your best.
By: Margaret Baker Anderson

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UpDated and created by Mary