Links To Pet Supply Sites

This site was created to aid people who are caregivers to cats with CRF (Chronic Renal Failure). Costs for caring for such cats are quite high, so I hope this will assist those who are paying higher costs for food, supplies and medicine. Items commonly used to treat CRF are indicated next to some of the companies. If your cat has CRF, consider joining one or both of the email lists we belong to at Feline-CRF-Support or FelineCRF. Please visit the Pet Coupon Board to see coupons and/or discounts found on the web, Sugar's Feline CRF Forum to discuss CRF, Nadia's Feline CRF Page and Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Center to learn about CRF. I've also added a forum for people with cats that have IBD. To join the email list, click here.

This site is for pet owners everywhere, so if you have a site you want me to add, please email me at Thank you for visiting!

Food and General Supplies listed below in the medication section)

Coupon Sites

Food and Treats Only

Wysong (Food for small pets, horses and humans)
Flint River Ranch (They make a low protein cat treat)
Halopets (I'm told that Spot's Stew has 5% Protein)
Innova (Innova lite cat food has 26% protein)
Home Made 4 Life (Raw food for cats, dogs and ferrets. Frozen, available in some health food stores as well as through vets and high-end pet stores.)


Medical Supplies, Vitamins, Supplements, Homeopathic Remedies

Here is a list of places to buy medications etc., some with web sites, some without. Some items that treat CRF are listed, but you should call if you're interested in any others. Remember to ask about:

*Bulk Discounts
*Shipping fees
*Handling fees
*Applicable taxes
*Duty (if you're importing)
*Any other hidden costs

Costco has been dealing with one of our CRF caregivers, David Jacobson, who has set up a page with all of Costco's info. They have been very cooperative with the Feline CRF community, and are definitely worth registering with. Thanks to David for all his hard work!

Direct Medical, Inc. (No Web Site Available)
Pelham, AL
1-800-316-4993 (ask for Terrence Henry)
~Abbott's Lactated Ringers solution, 1000ml (Prescription Required as of August 1, 2000)
~Abbott's venosets - (No Prescription Required)
~Terumo needles (Prescription Required)
~BRICO carries B.Braun/McGaw fluids and IV sets and Terumo needles. Their prices for B.Braun/McGaw are currently the best available in the East and Central US.
~Pet Tinic 4 oz

Omaha Vaccine
They have a pharmacy and also sell fluids and needles/syringes. Shipping is very fast.

Justin Scientific Corp. (site seems to be unreliable or under construction, try calling the numbers below until the site is working)
136 Route 73, #D, Voorhees Business Park,
Voorhees, NJ
Order: 1(800) 216-3213
Tel: (609) 768-0666
Fax: (609) 768-0748
~Terumo needles (any size)
~Abbotts and McGaw brand fluids
~Tubing sets
~Abbott's Lactated Ringers (No Case Price, Prescription Required)
~McGaw's Lactated Ringers (No Case Price) (Prescription Required)
~McGaw Venosets(Prescription Required)
~Terumo Needles - Multiple sizes (No Prescription Required)

Valley Vet Supply
1118 Pony Express Hwy
Marysville, KS 66508
Tel: 1-800-360-4838
Fax: 1-800-446-5597
Hrs: 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Mon-Fri., Sat 8:00 - 5:00 P.M.
~Abbott's Lactated Ringers, cheaper if you buy a case at a time (precription required)
~Abbott's Venosets (no prescription required)
~Monoject needles (polypropelene hubs, no prescription required)
~Enacard (enalapril) 1mg (prescription required)
~Nutrical (no precription required)
~Pet Tabs (no prescription required)

KV Vet Supply
3190 N Road
PO BOX 245
David City, NE 68632
Tel: 800-423-8211
Fax: 800-269-0093
Hrs: 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. Mon-Fri, Sat 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
~Abbott's Lactated Ringers (Prescription Required)
~McGaw's Lactated Ringers (Prescription Required)
~McGaw Venosets (Prescription Required)

Veterinary Pharmacies of America
~This company can reformulate medications for our pets so that we don't have to split pills, and they also make medications in different flavours so that pilling is easier.
~Epogen price varies a bit, verify each time before buying
~Norvasc 2.5 mg x 30 pills

Prescriptions By Mail
~Abbot's Lactated Ringers (Prescription Required)
~Unidentified Venosets-Only sold by the case
~Becton-Dickinson Needles - Manufactured by McKesson Drug Company -Assorted sizes & prices. (Gelcaps) (Vitamins and Minerals)

Email the Site Owner with any additions, omissions, errors or comments.

Disclaimer: This web site is for information purposes only, and the owner is not responsible for problems between the purchaser and supplier. Anyone who puts in an order should make sure to ask all questions beforehand.

These sites are predominantly in the United States. If the site is from another country, I will indicate it where possible.

Remember, these are some common add-ons when making online purchases:
*Shipping fees
*Handling fees
*Applicable taxes
*Duty (if you're importing, you will ultimately be held responsible)

Web Freebies

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