Welcome to my guestbook, please leave your comments!

Runtell - 05/22/00 20:12:21
My URL:/Petsburgh/Zoo/5627
My Email:runtell@hotmail.com
Country: canada
Type of Pet: cat
Name of Pet: Runtell!

Wow! What a wonderful site you have here! Sure did enjoy my visit! I have bookmarked your site and will be back again Very Soon! Meows&Purrs!!

Don - 04/09/00 18:40:07
My URL:http://petemporium.tripod.com
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Cat
Name of Pet: Recon

hi, just surfin ...

shana v. wilson - 04/01/00 01:25:51
My Email:silk307@aol.com
City: pittsburgh
Country: united states of america
Type of Pet: no pet
Name of Pet: no pet

Sammie I am your number 1 fan can you e-mail me sometimes it would really make my day. or can you write to me my adress is 812 wallace ave pittsburgh PA 15221 from your number 1 fan shana

shana v. wilson - 04/01/00 01:22:25
City: pittsburgh
Type of Pet: dog


Stern Veronika - 02/16/00 03:09:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.de/gosdatura
My Email:gosdatura@gmx
City: Rauenberg/Heidelberg/Germany
Country: Germany
Type of Pet: Catalan Sheepdog; Collie-Mix
Name of Pet: Brown-Bruxia, Senta

Hello, you have a beautiful Homepage of the Animals. We wish, from all of us to all of you all the best. Many hearty Greetings from Rauenberg by Heidelberg in Germany send Senta (Collie-Mix), Brown-Bruxia,(Catalan Sheepdog) Manfred and Veronika

Mary Hawk - 01/22/00 19:47:52
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/flats/4167/
My Email:mwolf@netusa1.net
City: Kokomo
Country: USA
Type of Pet: wolf,cats,wolfdog,dogs,puppies,fish,birds
Name of Pet: wytte,simba,Nikki,Red hawk, sarha, misty,magon,cinnamon,sunshine, goldee, andpig he is a fish a fat fish

we have lots of pets over 30 most are pond fish. Nice page visit us soon.

Melanie Oepkes - 01/18/00 15:03:53
My URL:http://www.mnsi.net/~daisy
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Cat
Name of Pet: Cookie

Thanks for stopping by my site and applying for my award. You have a lovely site and I enjoyed my visit here. Thanks so much for sharing it with me!

mm (moon mistress) - 01/08/00 04:31:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/4845/
My Email:moon_miss@yahoo.com
Type of Pet: 4 cats
Name of Pet: Moochy, Geoffy, Punky, Taffy

Nice site! I really like your cats. They are so cute! :-) mm ^~^

Tik Tok - 01/08/00 02:38:30
My URL:http://Tik_Tok.tripod.com/
My Email:tik_tok@swbell.net
City: Houston
Type of Pet: Cats and more Cats!

Enjoyed the visit! Your kitties sure look adorable :0)

Terry and Dog - 01/04/00 13:30:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/5632/
My Email:dogcat@us5.com
Country: USA
Type of Pet: cat
Name of Pet: Dog!

We've really enjoyed our visit to your site! The pictures of all the animals are just adorable. Our favorite has to be the flying cat, LOL! Thanks for sharing! *purrrrrrrs*

Cindy (Ceegee) - 11/28/99 00:53:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~tigtales
My Email:cgermek@bellsouth.net
City: birmingham
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Cats!
Name of Pet: Tigger, Cleo, Noah, Cosmo, & Xena

What a pretty site! Loved the kitty pictures!

Sue - 10/14/99 20:13:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Suespage_2
My Email:catladysue@excite.com
City: NC mountains
Country: USA
Type of Pet: cats
Name of Pet: Zevon, Kudzu

Hi Sammie, Enjoyed your page and the pics of your kitties (and friend's kitties). I was interested in your stray kitty Molly that you trapped and had fixed since I also have a stray (boy) cat that I would like to have fixed and am afraid to pick up. Feel free to visit my page, and see my kitties. I also have a great link for Bible topics and answers, with some great articles on animals. Take care, Sue

Belle&Baxter - 10/03/99 18:27:16
My URL:http://www.superior.net/~belle
My Email:belle@superior.net
City: Gloversville,NY.
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Saint Bernard
Name of Pet: Baxter,Belle&Bailey

We loved your pictures....Hope we didn't leave too much slobber...Woof

Jaysma - 09/09/99 11:08:42
My Email:emwhalen@penn.com
City: Knoxville
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Beagle
Name of Pet: Freedie

Just checked out your page via your link on the COL board. Nicely done!!

Runtell - 08/27/99 12:42:05
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/runtell
My Email:runtell@hotmail.com
City: Kitchener
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: cat


Wow! What a wonderful site you have here!
Sure did enjoy my visit!
I have bookmarked your site and will be back again
Very Soon! Meows&Purrs!!

Susan D. Mahr - 08/23/99 17:31:48
My URL:/Petsburgh/Haven/3535/index.html
My Email:sdmahr@aol.com
City: Austin
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Kitties
Name of Pet: Minnie, Mickey, Mushy & the Orphan Kitties, too!

Hello =^..^=
I just wanted to tell you much I enjoyed visiting your site!! Keep up the fine Work!
Please come visit Minnie, Mickey, Mushy & the Orphan Kitties at Minnie's Menagerie.
When you're there, Miss Minnie would SO MUCH appreciate it if you would vote for her for the OSCAT award! She sure has worked hard for it!!! Please enter all family members & Pets/animals names, also :-)
Please sign our Guest Book & let us know if you voted.
Miss Minnie loves ALL KINDS of animals.
Thanks so much!

God Bless!

King Wayne II - 08/22/99 12:10:36
My URL:http://kidzland.webjump.com
My Email:kidz@exminster.co.uk
City: Exeter
Country: U.K
Type of Pet: 3 cats
Name of Pet: Simba,William and Poppet

What a thoroughly splendid piece of webbery. Well done!
Colleen and Tiki - 07/23/99 17:32:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/3434/Tiki.html
City: Winnipeg,
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Lhasa Apso
Name of Pet: Tiki

Hi Lee and Sammie, What a great site you have here. We have had a wonderful time exploring your pages and visiting with all of your pets... the photos are great! Thanks for a very enjoyable visit.
P.S. Sammie... you are too cute!!

Colleen and Tiki

Lisa - 07/22/99 03:32:39
My URL:/Petsburgh/5150
My Email:llschlen@Xmidplains.net
City: WI
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Dogs, cats, birds, horses, fish

Hello! Thanks for stopping by our page...we were glad you directed us over to see ALL the pets! When I first loaded the cat page...I thought "This person REALLY likes cats!"..but then I realized a lot of them where pictures of your friends cats! :) Keep up the great work and keep in touch!

Please remove the X in email above if you wish to contact me....spam guard! :)

Kleeo & Pups - 07/22/99 02:00:41
My URL:http://www.megalink.net/~rlbblr/pups.html
My Email:adoptadog@dog.com
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Chihuahua & Pomeranian
Name of Pet: Spikey & Zoro

You have a lovely web site! Sam is just a sweetheart....doesn't look even close to being 10 years old! Thanks for inviting us here to share your pages....it's been our pleasure! Puppy hugs & paw shakes, Spike, Zoro and "Mom"

Annie Banannie - 07/21/99 01:01:31
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~justkaren/annie.html
My Email:justkaren@akamail.com
City: Camarillo, CA
Country: USA
Type of Pet: I look like a tiny Border Collie
Name of Pet: Annie Banannie

Sammie, what a great job you have done on your pages! I am very impressed! Thanks for making the 'net a nicer place to surf in! :-)

Carmen Zita - 07/19/99 21:51:51
My URL:http://home.c2i.net/carmen/zita/zring.htm
My Email:zos@c2i.net
Country: Norway
Type of Pet: Golden retriever
Name of Pet: Carmen Zita

Hi Sammie ! Very nice pages you got here ! Thanks for signing my guestbook. Come on over and join Zita's Funny Pictures !!

Frasier - 07/03/99 03:44:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/pointe/2757
My Email:frasiernfran@geocities.com
Country: US
Type of Pet: cats
Name of Pet: Frasier and Magnum

Purrs from Frasier who loves all animals as you apparently do. We enjoyed our visit to your site!

Maxine - 07/02/99 00:14:56
My URL:http://www.bratcats.com
My Email:maxine@bratcats.com
City: New York City
Country: USA
Type of Pet: 3 Cats
Name of Pet: Brandee, Dondee & Gatsby

We enjoyed our visit to your site. Just loved seeing all those kitty and dog photos. Keep up the good work.

Scotty - 04/25/99 11:50:41
City: LA
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Dogs
Name of Pet: 3 Westies and a Max

I love the Links page Sammie. Great work!

Meghan aka BlakenBen4ever - 03/25/99 23:50:12
My Email:Wicked_Kracker@hotmail.com
City: Pittsburgh
Country: USA
Type of Pet: 3 cats
Name of Pet: Dig b...Budweiser...Blackie

You have a really great page it was great to see all these ppl and you. Well I am from java. Everyone looked different then I expected and definately for the best. Hmm....well better be off. I never really see you in the room. Maybe someday when I'm older I can meet some of you nifty ppl. Kewl site. Write me sometime and tell me what's up. c-ya

Moe - 03/09/99 17:12:18
City: Erlanger
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Mix (rottweiler and shepard)
Name of Pet: T.J. (taz jr)

Sammie I love your page and seeing everyones pics Its is so great to actually put a face with the name. Can't wait to see my pic here.

Angelbaby - 02/06/99 18:48:25
City: New York
Country: USA
Type of Pet: 3 Dogs
Name of Pet: Phil,Lil,Dream

Susie H sent me your page so that I could see what she looks like.It was so much fun putting faces to the names I see on Java! You guys are wild and it looks like you always have a great time! Hope to meet you all in October! Love,Angelbaby(Patti D'.)

Ben Dover - 01/17/99 13:15:39
My URL:http://www.whitehouse.com
My Email:BClinton@usgov.com
City: Washington
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Dog +Cat
Name of Pet: Buddy and Socks

After seeing your picture, I was wondering if you had ever thought of applying for an intern position in the USA? You seem to have a lot of American friends, and this might be a way to learn more about their country and be closer to them!

Harley - 01/16/99 21:04:54
My Email:kendragl@hotmail.com
City: St.Catharines
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Cat & Dog (cocker spainel)
Name of Pet: Missy & Cary Grant

S___________A_____________M_____________M___________I______________E This is a fantastic site!!!! Congrats!! i like the cat & doggie pics!! And The GL pics Rocked yeah Sammie!!!!!!! xoxoxo harley

Sandie - 11/23/98 00:33:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cabana/5615/
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Dalmatian
Name of Pet: Charlemaigne

Enjoyed your page, I see you don't have a dalmatian. If I get access to a scanner, I'll send you one!

Eleni - 11/18/98 04:25:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/3287/
Country: Greece
Type of Pet: Hamster,Fish
Name of Pet: Snowbal

Is looking nice Sam keep up the good job,I will be back to visit again,Take care.

Heather - 11/16/98 17:55:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Lane/1627/
My Email:hbernb@geocities.com
City: Etobicoke
Country: Canada

I was here! Nice work.

Dan - 11/16/98 05:38:15
My Email:g101@dol.net
City: Rehoboth
Country: USA the best country
Type of Pet: Bad registered collie
Name of Pet: Kaelon,puffy,meek meekie

Doe, love your new updates and i can see the background..... you did an amazing job and puffy looks so cute....... Great webpage Sammie..... DNA

Buka - 11/14/98 02:51:42
My Email:ptaps@sprint.ca
City: Scarborough
Type of Pet: Lasso Apso/Poodle cross
Name of Pet: Scruffy

Cool site Dude

Jenna - 10/12/98 16:56:57
My URL:/Petsburgh/2076
City: Petsburgh...I mean Pittsburgh
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Cat
Name of Pet: Sonny & Kasey (short for K.C. = Kitty Cat)

Samantha dahhhhhling....you just HAVE to check out my new & improved web page!!!

cindyp - 09/26/98 12:50:52
My Email:cindypatterson@mailexcite.com
City: Dover
Country: U.S.A.
Type of Pet: Heinz 57, 2 cats
Name of Pet: Holly, Bear & Biscuit

Great page Sam!! It's so neat to see pictures of everyones babies.

B. Clinton - 09/21/98 21:02:45
My URL:http://www.IamAn(__)__).com
My Email:billc@wannacmywilly.com
City: what?
Country: eh?
Type of Pet: Lobster
Name of Pet: Rover

Olla apo ta zon eene polee polee omorpha. Tee omorpha poolia!

Terry Klinker - 09/21/98 02:10:06
My Email:takk@phc.igs.net
City: Colborne, Ontario
Country: Canada

Very nice looking pets.

Jenna - 09/17/98 01:40:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Petsburgh/2076
City: Pittsburgh
Country: USA

As soon as I get a better scanner I'll send you pics of my babies (my cats)!!!!! Great page Sam!

Auntie C - 09/15/98 23:23:27
My Email:madmargaret@yahoo.com
City: Long Beach, CA
Country: U.S. of A.
Type of Pet: Cat
Name of Pet: Thomas

Sam, what a nifty page! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pics of pals and pets. Puts a smile right on my face!

Katb - 09/02/98 22:57:32
My Email:Wa
Type of Pet: Calico Cat
Name of Pet: Jasmine

Hey Sammie I love your page! It's really cool to see everyones pets. Keep up the great work!

A.M. - 08/28/98 17:50:43
My Email:amsg97@aol.com
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: German Shorthair Pointer
Name of Pet: Duchess

Great page! Especially loved picture of Maxx as puppy. But then, I'm biased due to the fact that he's my nephew!

Monofer - 08/26/98 22:12:52
My Email:ecd@attcanada.com
City: Etobicoke
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Sheppard/Huskie/???
Name of Pet: Maxx

Love the Webpage L.E. I'll send you an updated picture of Maxx and one of Duchess soon. Keep up the good work. Ciao Mono!

Susi - 08/25/98 06:08:38
My Email:dunno@dunno.com
City: San Francisco
Type of Pet: Ocelot
Name of Pet: Ocelotiie

Neat page! Love pets! Way cool!

jeanette - 08/21/98 01:02:53
My Email:woloszyk@flash.net
City: clinton township,MI
Country: usa
Type of Pet: calico cat
Name of Pet: Cleopatra

I have a four year old Calico cat, named Cleopatra. She looks like the picture you have posted of Matilda, only her right eye has most of the black on it.I collect stuff that looks like her.

Surfer Boy - 08/03/98 22:07:52
My Email:cooldude@niceshades.com
City: Surf City
Country: California
Type of Pet: Boxer Dog
Name of Pet: Surferboy

i think yer page is like so cool. like dude i love animals and i like yer page sammie. my dog surferboy is like the totally best dog i have like ever like ya know had. he is like so cool. i like take him with me when i go surfin sometimes and he like love the ocean. i would like dig it if maybe if I like ever get a thing to post picturs on the web if mabye you would like let me like post surferboys pictur like on yer page. i will like stop back many times cuz i like totally dig pets. yer friend surferboy

Suave - 07/24/98 01:54:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/8368
My Email:suavel@sssnet.com
City: n/a
Country: USA
Type of Pet: siamese cat
Name of Pet: Tina

Oh my GOD! How did you get CW in there? LOL I wish I had a big poster like that, where do I get one??????????

Hawksy - 07/23/98 02:39:37
My Email:amoens@stn.net
City: Milton
Country: Canada!
Type of Pet: Cat
Name of Pet: Squirt

Hey Sam! Great page! Sorry it tok me so long to visit!

annieR - 07/23/98 01:29:43
My Email:annieRob@yahoo.com
City: Santa Monica, CA
Country: USofA
Type of Pet: Flamepoint & Sealpoint Himalyans
Name of Pet: TomCat and KimoKitty

Faboo page sammie . . . my boys pix will be on their way to you soon! I can't wait to watch the page grow!

fran - 07/21/98 16:48:07
My Email:franjones

great site. i dont have any pets.

promom - 07/21/98 16:36:20
Type of Pet: bad weiney dog & pug
Name of Pet: LiL Penny and Porsche

Too funny!!! how do I get pics to you? if I don't have a scanner yet? I especially like Bama's pet shark!

Sylvester - 07/21/98 01:05:08
City: Ajax
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Cat
Name of Pet: Penelope

Pretty impressive! Can hardly wait to see Penny on this page.

JohnnY - 07/19/98 17:17:26
My URL:http://www.planetc.com/users/samsel/index.html
My Email:samsel@planetc.com
City: Rogersville
Country: USA
Type of Pet: ball python, russian blue
Name of Pet: Ares Tolliver, Kabuckey

Hey babe!!! I came here once before but didnt sign in...Im such a bad boy! Love the idea of sharing pics of our pets on the Net for all to see and everyone has such adorable babies!!

Tess - 07/19/98 04:07:15
My Email:****
City: Lancaster PA
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Goldfish
Name of Pet: Sara, Cindy, Skipper & Gilligan

Love your site Sammie! I really enjoyed your picture with CW. I didn't know she came to brunch! LOL

goofy - 07/18/98 00:28:02
My Email:goofyjmm@yahoo.com
City: Weatherford
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Greayhound and 4 kitties
Name of Pet: Predder, Angel, Aspen, Abby, Ashes.

Love this site. It could be cause I love animals. When I get a scanner I will send you pictures of my animals, if ya want. GREAT SITE!! =)

JulieK - 07/17/98 22:51:37
My URL:http://tba
My Email:elf_girl@hotmail.com
Type of Pet: 3 Kitties
Name of Pet: Ziggy Stardust, Osiris, and Rainbow (aka-the terror of tiny town!)

Sammikins, I love your site, and I love all the pets...and I LOVE all you gl people. I'm happy to have gotten to know all of youse! Anyhow--good work, I will see you around! PS--COOL shark graphic!!!

kp - 07/17/98 04:40:54
My Email:KPinAZ@yahoo.com
City: Phoenix
Country: AZ
Type of Pet: Cat
Name of Pet: Lucky

Hi Sam!! Great site, I love it!! Keep up the good work.

Lura - 07/16/98 22:39:46
City: Oceanside
Country: USA
Type of Pet: poodle
Name of Pet: Samoa

So cute...neat idea. My dog actually belongs to my roommate and is 17 years old..

Bama - 07/16/98 18:10:30
My Email:Somewhere down south....
City: Tenn
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Shark
Name of Pet: JohnnY???

Love the page Sammie!! So what are you saying??? JohnnY's my little pet?? LOL.. Well Yes he is.... and he's not a mean vicious shark at all.... he's adorable!! Just don't back him in a corner!! ROTFLMAO!! I love it!!! I'll have to send a picture of Po ato Chip...(the PIG) Great Job!!

Scotty - 07/16/98 03:14:10
My Email:ja8ed@hotmail.com
City: Los Angeles, CA
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Lab/? maybe Akita or Shephard
Name of Pet: Maximilian(Max for short)

Glad you got the bug fixed! As you know I love the site. BTW, who is that woman in white in our brunch bunch picture. I don't remember her at the table. Was she the one slicing the roast beef? Love ya, Scotty

Dan - 07/16/98 02:49:51
My Email:g101@dol.net
City: Rehoboth Beach
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Collie
Name of Pet: Kaelon

Hi Lee, You are my best friend on the internet. I am so glad you are a part of my life and i am looking forward to our planned trips this fall. Lots of love Your coopie....... Dan

anthony - 07/16/98 02:05:40
My URL:http://www.netcom.ca/~aksaith
My Email:aksaith@netcom.ca


Here's Roshie - 07/16/98 01:03:43
My Email:JovaFan@yahoo.com
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Bordie Collie
Name of Pet: Spud

I love your page sammikens!

Judles - 07/16/98 00:24:25
My Email:judles@mailexcite.com
City: Brampton
Country: Canada EH!!
Type of Pet: Calico Kitty
Name of Pet: Matilda

Sammie! What a great page. You'll have to add Matilda when I get a good pic of her!

Sis - 07/15/98 20:42:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/9829
My Email:jmbsis@hotmail.com
City: Jacksonville
Country: USA
Type of Pet: dog & cat
Name of Pet: BJ & Snowball

Sammie...I love your site!!!! Did you check mine out? Bauer is soooo sweet to help us!!!!

Crackers - 07/15/98 19:51:15
My Email:rnd@runestone.net
City: Nowhere, Minnesota
Country: USA
Type of Pet: Mini Dachshund
Name of Pet: Yoshi

Nice page, Sam!

Sara Tonin - 07/15/98 19:34:49
My Email:sara_tonin@hotmail.com
City: toronto
Country: canada
Type of Pet: Ferret
Name of Pet: Weezer

Hey cool site. All the animals look so friendly! Do you have any pics of any really vicious dogs eating people alive?

Bauer - 07/14/98 19:23:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/5625
My Email:bauercabin@rocketmail.com
City: Pgh
Country: USA
Type of Pet: westie dogs
Name of Pet: Angel, Summer and Oliver

Sam, love the page but where's the background and pics of my gang!!LOL See ya in Pgh.

Sam - 07/13/98 22:45:56
My Email:The SultShack
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Type of Pet: Dog, Cats
Name of Pet: Sam,Kitty,Baby

Wow what a great page!

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