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There is no place like home...

the place where we were raised.

 Where we caught butterflies

and made mudpies 'neath the old Magnolia tree,

hugged newborn puppies as sweet as we,

cuddled baby dolls and played "Mom."

Where the scent of perfumed flowers

surround like Mom's love,

 and Dad comes in at day's end from work

with the surprise of chewing gum

hidden in his shirt pocket for us.

Meanwhile, the aroma of cornbread,

the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen

begs our attendance at a family meal.

The parties and proms,

pageants and parades,

horse shows and boat races,

holidays and fun,

with a lake at the center

to pull fond memories

of a place called


In our workplace the days become long,

the choices not ours, the trials disappointing.

Nothing can erase a memory of a place like home

where dwells the base of the mold by which we were formed.

...where recollections of a time now past  eases the stress.

No, there is no place like home to return to the basics,

never too late to turn back time

to capture that memory just once more.

The older we get, the more set in our ways,

the more we reminisce of days now gone,

the simple times with friends and family.

We've all learned much in our world since then...

growing to love, respect and honor our world.

Don't overlook the beauty of


no matter how old or young.

Take the time today to say hello to families you know.

Take time to call on family members.

Drop a line to a dear friend you haven't seen in a while.

Take time to write a special memo of the day

to bring out and read again and again some dreary day.

Take time to make it a special day

and to make your place like


L. Jean
August 1999

(Lady DJ...wherever you are, please get in touch so that I may credit you with this lovely frame.)

A note to my parents and to all my sisters:
I thank you for the good times we had...
I thank you for the bad ones too.
Those times we had together made me the person I am today
and I know there are some in the world who are not so fortunate.
God bless them and you!

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