This is a favorite childhood song:
Froggie Went a Courtin'
Burping Betty
Little Betty belched so much
she wound up in the belfry!
Alas those many belches were such
that they were sad to see!
She tried to stop those big bad burps
but she belched louder still
And soon she had a booming chirp
to dance with at her will.
When Betty thought she'd burped her last,
waking up to greet the sun...
She did not know a spell was cast
when she stumped her toe in the fun.
On seeing her charming dance date,
Betty wished her belch were back.
To save herself from such a fate,
she even stuck her head in a sack!
She tried to burp, she tried to belch,
she tried to loudly fake it.
She found the best that she could squelch
was to burp  a "br-u-bbet."
Her dancing date was quite impressed,
he thought she spoke his way.
Betty thought she'd not confess
and hardly knew what to say!
On a brightly moonlit night,
her suitor asked to take her hand.
Crooning with all his might,
he fitted her with a band.
Burping Betty cried, "I do, I do!"
and Belcher is her name.
Freddie Frog said, "I do, too!"
Belching just the same.
September 25, 1995

Burping Betty was a figment of my imagination
when a guest emitted a dainty little burp after dinner. She seemed to be settling back into the conversation
when she unexpectedly and uncontrollably BELCHED,
bringing laughter and a discussion about burping and belching.
That evening, my husband presented to our little world another of his atrocious belches
(more like a bellow) as we were sitting in bed.

This was just the beginning...

Between the frog collection my friend started for me,
the aggravation of the unmannerly belches and my playful mind,
Burping Betty was born.
Meanwhile, my friend is proudly showing off "her" poem.
I hope you enjoy it as much as we have.

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