Because I Love You

I couldn't help falling in love with you
With the full moon to shine on our love beams
And the stars to catch all our dreams.
You asked me to share your life,
Though my heart could not be sure.
I found love with time grows pure.
I pondered my feelings of us and found
I couldn't waste our time...our need to share,
Found I had to let you know I care.
Found life more precious each passing day,
And you becoming my nucleus in life,
Molded me into a better wife.
I cherish memories of devotion.
And I'm happier than one will ever know,
Just watching love continue to grow.
Full moons are bigger and love beams brighter.
With not enough stars to catch them above
And the world cannot conquer our love.

© L. Jean
May 29, 1983

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