Eternal Happiness
s we begin our journey into the realms of the web, we hope to encourage those who have not traveled the paths or waves of enjoyment the internet has given us. As our interests are varied, so will you find the pages of all aspects of our happiness. Thus we strive to sail upon the net in our
"Eternal Happiness."
ou will explore the depths of  love, laughter and other personal poems written by L. Jean, perhaps some family fun and philosophical words from "notme." Our family may be included with either personal stories and poems written by them. There will be stories of pets and the eternal happiness they bring. With time there will be personal photographs of different interests and the varied hobbies we vowed we would persue before we aged to the point we could not enjoy. Actually, we hoped to find something we could share and not be idle in our rocking chairs.
hanks to all those who have encouraged us. Family, friends, those we have met on ICQ and even our pets who have so patiently waited for their time outdoors,etc. We have been most blessed with love, generosity and happiness in our endeavors online. We hope all will enjoy watching us grow because we believe we will be here for a long, long time...we both believe in
"Eternal Happiness."
L. Jean &  "Notme"
Below you will find just the beginning of our adventure.
As we learn to sail upon the waves of the internet, there will be more to come.
I have a lot more packed in my files!  ;-)
Just surf on back to enjoy more of the same.
Remember, they are my very own. Please respect my rights as the author.
~Enjoy your adventure!~

Burping Betty  Dreaming On Our Minds 
Someone From Nowhere  Tribute To Ole Trigger 
Family Fun Family Philosophies
Wish Upon a Star  Our Baby Talks 
Angel In My Heart  The Crane Dance 
Because I Love You  Valentine Dreams 
Everlasting Perhaps Perchance  St. Patrick's Day 
Hurricane!  No Place Like Home
To the Coyote Maggie the Magnolia
Let's paint - for the kids! Caboose Caboose
Echoes of a Gift Christmas Morn

is  a  treasure
those  who  care
to  give  their  best.
Thanks  for  stopping  by .
We  hope  to  see  you  again  soon.
Safe  surfing!
L. Jean &  "Notme"
Please note that all images, animations and midis are believed to be public domain except where credit is given. If you know of any that are copyrighted and are shown without a credit, please notify me and I will remove or give credit where due.
Many, many thanks to Tom Williams lll, the Dreamsharer whose music I have come to enjoy as relaxing, quality sounds from a dedicated talent not often found unless one searches long enough. His work is copyrighted and I thank him for allowing me to share that talent with you here.

Original music composed by Tom Williams III,
Copyright © 1996-98
Used With Permission.
I hardly knew where to start...there is so much we want to share.  All we know is God has been good to us...and we enjoy life. I am in the process of learning the ins and outs of building a page so there may be times when a link is not working properly or you cannot get the midi I have selected for the page. Please feel free to email me if you find a problem with my links. Once again I invite you to come on back to see the rest.

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~I am born happy every morning~

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