Of course, Dutter
and I are a bit
strange at times! Below I
decided to save the "wee micey tales" from
It all started when I observed a few mice
in my house! What's a few mice any way! Our old decrepit
cat's very presence kept any mice at bay.
began to multiply (rapidly!!!!!!!). At the same time I
unfortunately developed an affinity for the fuzzy critters.
Oh, they are so cute and beady-eyed (and rather
At this point, as I was getting inundated,
I begged my reluctant Dutter for help----she, having nasty
cats instead of wee, fuzzy miceys! And then the fun
began!!! (Hi Dutter,any comments????)
Heeheehee......Well, they say there are two sides to everything and so there is for sure!!
My side is that it started as an ending to e-mail between Mumzy dear and me. (she must be so attached to the micey's now that she thinks they are real and forgets that she invented them from an @ sign!...oh my!! They were cute little PS's that we kept going with each e-mail. The tiny tale grew and took on a life of its own. In Cyber space almost anything is possible and so are our tales of cats and miceys!
I received the e-mail and at the bottom was a @. "See the micey run" was written next to this sign. Okay, my mumzy had a mouse. Mumzy has web TV and is limited in what she can send including something that might look like a micey. But what the devil, I'll humor her....... :)
I sent her cats...one at a time and do you think she would be pleased....NO! The first cat walked for miles to get to her micey ridden house to help. A beautiful cat it was don't you think!
I believe the next wonderful cat I sent was Callous cat.
A fine brave cat that was very good in helping Mutter with her micey problem. Before long, Mutter was wanting my wonderful Callous cat out of there! He was too brave and too wonderful! Go figure....
cat sent back home!
After returning home.....Poor Callous cat became ill.
Mutter says it was because he ate too many of her miceys.
He made a hog of himself. I thought that was the whole
point of sending him but nooooooooo!! Poor
Another fine cat
don't you think? It wasn't Sweetpea's fault that she had a
little gas problem but Mutter complained and right from the
start she called this sweet cat Sweetphew! Not very nice
I had to crate the poor cat up to get it back
home. All the way from New Jersey to Vermont!! The things I
don't go through for Mutter!
Mutter wasn't happy for very long.........
Sigh....... I'll just have to put up with this until you get back on your feet!!!LOL. Woe is me--------I feel like eating worms!!!!
Oh---oh, please don't eat worms-----
I'm sorry I insulted Sweetphew!!!
Forgive me-eee---Weeepwe-e-e-e-p, booohooooooo
I am bereft !!!!
My miceys are
reproducing again--- and it's all your fault---Woe is
Love MonsterMutter
OK, now all of you, sing nicely for
me and we will start
the first
miceymusicchoir!!!! Oh goody, we even have some tenors.
Mordecai, you're
tone deaf--- Alicia, stop shrieking!! Heeeeeeeeeeeheeee
Where's my
Let us now have a sing-a-long. If you don't line up, I
shall call
CyberDutter to bring Sweetphew back!!! That's better, now
The Flowe-e-e-r-rrrrs That Blo-o-o-o-mmm in the
LOLOLOLOL Yes! Threaten the little buggers! That will keep them ALL in line. I have too many weird cats! Oh what should I do??????
Today, the lesson for all you avid
miceys is BIRTHCONTROL!!!!!! Anyone found not practicing
this will be sent to Cyberdutter, who, if you remember,
has Sweetphew and CALLOUS CAT!!!!!!!!! Your fate is up to
you!! Now all---sing ~ Dooooo youuuuu lov-vve
as I lov-vve you-uuuu-uuuu------ (Maybe we should choose
another subject lol)
As you can see, this fat cat was sent
to me by dutter, to help lower the micey population!
Enthusiasm was there-----but ability was lacking! Add your
two cents, dutter!
(Ah, my
two cents is it? I do have more then two cents and I will
add it since if I leave it up to you to log this in, my
beautiful cats will end up the villains and your fuzzy mice
balls.......no.......furry fuzzball mice will end up being
the celebrated celebrities of these tiny cyber tales!!!)
My wonderful cat was in fine shape when I sent him on the
trip to Mutter. A gorgeous cat of good weight and fine
Can you see what
making pets of all the miceys has done to him? The fact of
the matter is that he lost weight and became depressed
after trying to rid Mutters life of miceys! He has not
returned to his normal self since Mutter sent him back to
me in this pathetic condition! He even seems a bit
delirious at times.
Alicia---it's time for you to sing a
solo. Squeak,
stop grooming your tail --it looks perfectly o.k.
I think I have "foot & mouse" disease! When
you going to
rescue me-e-eee????? I'll even settle for Callous
H E L P - S O S I'm also getting fleas-----
I think I am working on it!!! Patience is a virtue! If you've gotten fleas..........then scratch!!! Cats are getting scarce. You have chased them all away with your ill humor!!! I am sorry that I am lagging in finding kittys for your micey problem but it seems you are making pets out of all of the miceys. What are you feeding those things? They certainly mutiply at a rapid rate.
Squad Le-f-t, Ab-o-u-t F-ace,
Heeeheeeheee I've met my destiny, I always
aspired to have a mouse brigade! Now with the choir and my
micey army---
what more could I ask from life!!!! I'm training them to
harass all cats
Now I am speechless once again. There must be something I can do! I will find a way! Before you are completely bonkers with all your miceys!
I am lost in a bevy of
miceys------They are refusing to sing. They have
given me fleas, and they are overrunning everything!!!
sent Callous cat or even the one in the chair with the
breakdown----- I'm desperate----Can't go on much
I am trying but you've kept me so
busy with "other things"
that I just don't know what I am doing anymore.
apparently, aren't using birth control yet, even though you
threaten them. That poor cat in the chair wants nothing to
do with you OR your miceys and I can't say that I blame
him....poor thing...
And now----Squeak,squeak--- We will
sing a rendition of
Home on the
Get with it, brothers and sisters,squeak-----
Sing nicely, and
we'll all have some Cabot Cheese for a treat---Squeak,
He's still a cutie! Hee hee! Does he
sing too?
(I think I
need you to come to my rescue before it's too late!!!!)
You seem to have quite a problem on
your hands....and
around your feet...Hee hee.
Well, If you weren't so
and then decided to teach the little vermin to sing...the
whole matter would be under control and probably history
by now. I will see what I can do....
Can't you hear my dying gasps?????? Sque-e-eak----How can
you be so
You keep saying "I'll see what I can do!" but nothing is
Woe is me!!!!!!!!!
I've been doing my best whether you know it or not. They multiplied so rapidly because you made them pets!! And now you make it sound like it is my fault that you are over run with singing mice. If I remember correctly, you were handing them out little guns too...or something. That certainly says a lot on who is doing all the work to rid your house of mice. And here I am miles and miles away and you still expect me to pick up the pieces...or take up the slack......or what ever it is that you think I should do. Oh....send another of my precious cats. That's it. Well, now supper is burning and I suppose THAT is my fault too. My goodness, if I knew then what I know now and where this would all lead I would have left SweetPea and Callous cat!!! Dying gasps indeed! Woe is MEEEEEEE!!!
After your long and rather accusing
dissertation, placing all kinds of
undeserved blame on me for this mishap---- I await whatever
you are
going to do to help me. I shall no longer beg, but do hope
you do
something before long-----or it will be too
Oh my oh my oh my............. I am glad to hear that you have things under control, but one of my wee cats has gotten his hopes up. I'll have to see if I can find him...and show you what I mean! I am sure he will show up by tomorrow morning I hope!!! My poor poor kitty......
Boohoo,boohoo, sniff, sniff I'm
sorry I doused them!!!!!!!!
As it should be. Actually, you should have a talk with that poor poor cat of mine that is dreaming of miceys and getting it's hopes way up at the anticipation of the impending FUN!!! Can you imagine for one moment what the TRUTH would do to him now!!!
I'm so-o-oooo sorry about the ........ cat....I do think of him as my friend.. HHHEE-e-eeeeeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I lost it, I lost it, I lost my little miceys. It's your fault----- the baa-aa-d cats got them all! Oh woe---- I lost it, I lost it---even you said I lost it-- Wail,wail,sniff,sniff,boohoohooooooooo
You are making me feel terrible about the demise of the miceys! You know in Soap Operas the dead come back to life. Hmmmmm Take heart---- I miss them too!!!
Aa-a-ahhhh the wee
Hark!!!!!! Do I hear a distant squeak?????
I must be
hearing things,no miceys----------Wa-a-a-a-a-a-hh
Waaa-a-ahhhh is right!!! I am sure they will return one day!