Bill, Jennifer and Abigail Applegate's Website

This website is intended to keep our family and friends up to date on the current happenings for the three of us.

As many of you already know we moved to Pittsurgh in 1997. Many things have changed in that time span.

On the subsequent pages I will go into more details of the above mentioned events as well as many more. Including the wedding, honeymoon, house (before and after, vacation pictues, black and white shots, some suttle differences between living in New Jersey and Western Pennsylvania and of course pictures of Abbie.

The Wedding ·  The Honeymoon ·  The House ·  Pictures of Abbie ·  NJ and Pitt.

Overview 1997 to 2000

Things moved rather quickly between 1997 and 2000. Their were some monunetal changes that took place. Between the wedding, Jen starting law school, Bill driving back and forth from New Jersey to Pittsburgh every weekend and then buying a house it was really quite a year. After spending almost two years at a company called H.B. Maynard, Bill accepted a job at Marconi Communications as a Software Test Engineer in early 2000. Things were going great. Marconi was one of Pittsbburgh's biggest companies and the opportunities seemed endless. Bill traveled to Ireland, Denmark, Canada and various other places throughout the USA on business trips.

After graduation Jen accepted an offer to work for a small family oreiented firm located downtown McCann, Garland, Rydall & Burke. She quikly established herself amongst her peers and started handiling client affairs after a very short period. She even manages to spend some time in the Allegheny County jail, on client business of course, more on that later.

Overview 2000 to 2003

In August of 2002 Abbie was born and life changed again. I can honestly say that Abbie's birth changed our lives like nothing ever has before. It's hard to even remember what life was like before she was born. Parenthood has really taken to both of us.

Abbie at 1 Hour Old Sleeping in Her Crib

We don't get the opportunity to get back to NJ as often as we would like, so this website is intended to keep our family and friends closer to us. As always we have an open door and a open invitation to anyone who wants to come out and visit. Until then browse through the site to see the various pictures and feel free to send us email with any comments or suggestions. Their is a link at the bottom of the page.

Below is a beatiful shot of Pittsburgh, the city that we now call home.

Pittsburgh at Night

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The Wedding ·  The Honeymoon ·  The House ·  Pictures of Abbie ·  NJ and Pitt.

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