This web page is a mess ... this photo is a sticky mess...

Temporary page

until I get around to doing more to it ...

Which might be a while, because I am usually too busy putting things on my BLOG ... because I can put photos there and more than one person can look at them at once without exceeding the stupid bandwidth limit they have here ... not that more than one person actually does look at my blog ... but one day they might ... maybe ...

Just in case you missed that ... ... is where my BLOG is ... and I DO update that ... sometimes ...

I got so sick of seeing that mess I called a web page, that I moved it and put this here instead ... now I will HAVE to hurry up and write a better one!
... when I eventually get around to it.

Eek ... 2004 is almost over now and I STILL have not fixed up this mess - LOL*
*LOL = Laughing Out Loud

but ... I did make you a Christmas Card ;-)
... May the Peace and Joy of Christmas be with you now, and throughout the New Year - Andrea

this is where the old page is now hiding

Here is where I have put a pile of photos ...

Here are the crochet patterns I have put here on my site too .. (one day when I actually build this website properly, how I want it, I will have a nice crochet page for these to live on ;-)
Window square
Someone's square
Square Eye
From Little Things - Big Things Grow

This picture is actually an image of gaseous pillars in the Eagle Nebula, M16. It was Taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, on April 1st (!) 1995 .

The image is courtesy of the Space Telescope Science Institute (ST Sci), operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc., for NASA., and NASA.
Material created with support to AURA/ST ScI from NASA contract NAS5-26555 is reproduced here with permission.

I drew in the fuzzy bit at the top right hand corner (because it had nothing there, just black squares - the image is actually made up of several smaller ones, and there were a couple missing in the corner).