The Celts use of spirals and knotwork in their art and religion is an important part of their culture. These designs were developed from nature. Spirals unfold clockwise from their counterclockwise source and represent both the inner and outer evolution of the spirit. The dark into light, winter into summer, the contraction and expansion of the sun. This polarity also originally formed the basis of the Celtic religion.
Knotwork is another significant aspect of Celtic art and religion. These knots are generally endless and signify the binding of the soul to the Earth and the spiritual progress of humanity through endless lives, in search of the sacred source, their religious center.
The Celts believed in the quotoneness of nature and that nature had the ability to transform itself on all levels of existence. The shapes of their animal like designs indicated this belief and also their understanding of the seasonal and evolutionary transformation of all creatures within their art:
Their ancient wisdom and understanding was thought, by many to be above other cultures.