Welcome to my WebSite!

(it's construction is an on going project but a there are a lot of great links here, so please, look around)

For a quick look around my site, use the pull down menu, or take your time and scroll on down the page where there are brief descriptions of the pages.

To learn a little about...

I am excited to be trying to build a web-site. There are so many things that I want to do here and new ideas keep popping up. My original description, from when I joined geocities was, "recovery, spirit and harmony" To that end I will provide links to resources on-line as well as any other sources I may find.

This is still my primary goal but I find that it keeps expanding... for example, I as a recoverying alcoholic/addict and my recovery is integrated into every aspect of my life. What this means is that I will share who I am in recovery and in life. So here you will find my family, friends, interests, hobbies and links to my favorite sites.

Below you will find a brief description of the various pages on this site or the box above will just take you right to them. However you prefer, I do hope you look around and if you would, drop me a line and let me know what you think. If you agree or disagree, or if you can suggest a link, or just to say hello... leave a note on my guestbook or drop me an e-mail.

index to pages on my site:

"me" A short bio and a picture.

"12 Step Recovery" Here is where I intend to share resources that I have found, pages on the internet, books or any thing else I might find. I also will share some of my own experience, strength and hope here.

"the mind" This page is not yet accessable. I intend to have links to mental health resources as well as list books, etc. I also have had my own bouts with depression and know the pain that can accompany mental health issues.

"the body" I believe that the health of the body is integral with the health of the mind and the spirit. Here will be resources not only that concern recovery and mental health but also other physical health issues.

"the spirit" I am not a human creature seeking a spiritual experience, I am a spiritual creature haveing a human experience.

"my poetry" I have discovered that when I need to process strong emotions, my best tool is to write and sometime it comes out as poetry. It may not all be pretty, but it is all real. Welcome to my soul.

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© 1998 ernie@ernth.com

Last Updated on July 25, 1999

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