Florida Poodle Rescue
Mission is a simple one...
To place unwanted, abused and abandoned poodles in loving
homes where they will be cherished family members for the duration of their
lives; to educate others about the nature and behavior of poodles; and
to help all who are interested in experiencing the joy of owning canine
companions who have a sense of humor, are extremely loyal and greet each
day with great delight.
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Since 1994, Tampa Bay Poodle Rescue has found homes
for more than 500 standard, miniature and toy poodles who were abandoned,
abused or unwanted by their owners.
Each one was spayed, neutered and examined by a veterinarian
before being placed in a foster home for anywhere from several days to
several months. Foster parents bring recently rescued dogs into their homes
where they provide lots of love and patience to help the unwanted animals
begin the second - and better - half of their lives.
Dogs are cuddled, observed to determine their personalities,
encouraged to learn positive behaviors and taken for medical treatment
if necessary. Most dogs need only a short time in foster care before they
find new homes. Unfortunately, however, some have been abused so badly
that it takes weeks, even months, of care to get them ready to accept new
lifestyles. During its four years of activity and with the financial assistance
of the Tampa Bay Poodle Club, Poodle Rescue has provided more than a few
dogs with facial reconstruction, hip surgery and cataract operations. Many
of the poodles who have been rescued have suffered from heart worms as
It doesn't take long for a rescued dog to provide
his new family with unconditional love, joy and days filled with delight.
One of the most common comments that Poodle Rescue volunteers hear from
adoptive parents is "I've never had a dog like this one. "He's so
good." Those involved with Poodle Rescue know that no magic is
at work here. Rescued poodles are so delighted to get a second chance that
they show their gratitude every day in the only way they know how - by
loving life, and their owners, to the fullest.
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Have you thought about adopting
older poodle or one of our special need dogs? See why you should consider
The boundless enthusiasm of puppies soon wanes, but
the gentle companionship of older dogs becomes more profound as the days
pass. They have learned to save their energy for the things that are important:
lazy naps, long walks and deep conversation with their with their human
companions. Favorite toys and balls still have their lure, but the reward
of a cuddle, kind word or a pat on the back is of paramount importance.
Days spent exploring the yard and the neighborhood for exciting smells
are but a memory, with more time spent searching for comfortable spots
in the sun, on the couch or on the bed - as long as a loved one is near.
Unlike puppies who constantly seek entertainment and approval and wear
out their owners while doing so, older dogs demand nothing more than to
share their lives with those they love so dearly. They've learned to appreciate
kindness and love, and want nothing more than to find someone to please
and share their lives with.See our poodles with special needs. These dogs,
unlike older dogs, require more attention and love. Is that something that
you can give?
Poodle Rescue
P.O. Box 7336
St. Petersburg, Florida 33734
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