We are now in 2006 and the Devor's are as busy as ever! All three boys are signed up for baseball and the season will end in mid July. We have Silver Dollar City Season Passes this year and are planning a few trips to Branson, MO this year. Last year we purchased Worlds of Fun Season passes and had a great time.
Craig works for KU Med Center as a Peoplesoft Developer and has since November 2000. He writes reports with SQR, Crystal, SQL, and develops applications. He enjoys being at KU Med and the people he works with.
Austin is almost 13 (Can you believe it!)and has definitely moved into those pre teen years. We're getting a little taste of we must have been like at that stage for our parents. According to every teenager, mom and dad know absolutely nothing.
Things that Austin has been up to over the past few months include:
Neil is almost 8 and continues to take it upon himself to teach Alec all the bad habits that Austin taught him. They are either very lovey or trying to pound each other into the ground, there never seems to an in-between. He is very articulate for his age and feels the need to explain everything he does. He no longer likes to pretend he is doing homework now that he's actually had to do it for school! He is an excellent reader and very good at writing when he wants to be. He is looking forward to the end of 2nd grade and going to summer school so he can get the $100 gift certificate they offer if he attends and doesn't miss a day.
Neil loves bugs and reptiles and currently has a toad that we found last fall.
Dinosaurs are also really cool, especially the carnivores. We have several dinosaur skeleton kits that Grandma Schoemig bought and helped him build. They are a great addition to his dinosaur bedroom that I finished decorating for him last fall.
Neil is also very much into Star Wars as he gets a little bit older. He is wanting a Star Wars birthday and is hinting that his room should become Star Wars themed. He placed a poster on the wall for emphasis.
Neil is playing machine pitch baseball this year. He has really improved his fielding and hitting so it will exciting to see how he does.
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Page Created --> 11/19/1999
Last Updated --> 03/29/2006