Patrick's Letter

This is the paper that my grandson, Patrick wrote about "The First Snowfall". He wrote this as a project in school. My daughter read it and showed it to me. Not to brag, but it is actually a story about his "grandma". I hope you will enjoy this.

I have written it out here just in case you can't read it. "The First Showfall" by Patrick K.

In December 13, 1949, 2:00 P.M. my Grandma was born. It was the day the weather man said "It will snow for the first time in Dubuque (Iowa). At that very moment it snowed. The next three years my grandma was a good child. She learned how to cook, in 8 years. She went to school and learned her ABC's. By the time she was 9, she knew addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
When she was 15, she asked my great grandma "Mom, can I get my ears pierced?" And she said "Yes". So she went to get her ears pierced. She had happy face earrings.
She got married at 33 and had my mother. Two years later she had my aunt. 21 years later my mom had me when it snowed.
When she was 39 on her birthday she told the story that she was born on the first snowfall. It snowed again on her 40th birthday.

Isn't this sweet? It almost bought tears to my eyes when I read it.