Hi! My name is Barb Culbertson. Welcome to My Place! Feel free to browse and please sign my guestbook before you leave!

Bad Bunny - 12/04/00 02:13:34
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Janet - 09/13/00 14:54:29
My Email:jcps374@aol.com
Do you like my page?: Love it!

I saw your link on your email to "pray at daily scripture". Your site is terrific and I wanted to let you know that I will pray for you & your family. God Bless you all. :)

lisa culbertson - 04/08/00 02:59:54
My Email:lisaculbertson
Favorite Football/Basketball team: dallas cowboys
Do you like my page?: yes
Your hobbies?: sleeping and drinking!!

barb i really like your page......but that picture of me sucks.

Louise Buckles - 04/01/00 04:42:59
My URL:http://gallery.in-tch.com/~bucksheild
My Email:bucksheild@in-tch.com
A favorite crochet pattern: Granny Square
Do you like my page?: Love it
Your hobbies?: Computers, writing, and reading

I would like to see a picture of your trike. My husband is really into motorcycles, and wants to customize a bike.

Niles Clark - 03/23/00 13:30:47
My URL:http://homestead.juno.com/hookedonyou/index.html
My Email:hookedonyou@juno.com
A favorite crochet pattern: Pineapple
Favorite Football/Basketball team: New Orleans Saints
Do you like my page?: I like pages that have family photos
Your hobbies?: I carve Hardwood Crochet Hooks

Hi Barb, Real nice page, keep up the good work. I have been retired for 2 years and love it. Maybe you can start a web business next year. Your doillies are beautiful, a real work of art. Friend Niles

Lissa - 03/19/00 01:34:51
My URL:http://home.ptd.net/~cuppy7/angelstouch.htm
My Email:cuppy7@ptd.net
A favorite crochet pattern: Angels, of course
Do you like my page?: For sure!
Your hobbies?: Crafting Angels, writing poetry.

So you're addicted to web page making...welcome to the club!! I, too, love it. You have done a super job, I wouldn't call you a novice...stop by and visit mine...luv'n prayers, Lissa

Tammy - 03/12/00 18:08:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/country/crochet/index.html
My Email:tammylewis@bresnanlink.net
A favorite crochet pattern: Crocheted Easter Bunny Basket
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Detroit Lions
Do you like my page?: yes
Your hobbies?: crocheting, collecting candles, ceramics

Thnak you for your site. YOu do really nice work and I enjoyed checking out your site. Your little artist in your family is a great artist. Keep It Up!! Thanks

Jack Kindschuh - 03/10/00 17:41:00
Do you like my page?: I like the new look!

I'm envious of your HTML skills! Glad to see you keep learning and trying new things with your page

Pam - 02/23/00 00:40:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/marylandusa/index.html
My Email:greeneggsandpammy1968@yahoo.com
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Alabama... Roll Tide Roll!!
Do you like my page?: yeah.
Your hobbies?: photography, tennis, reading, writing

Good start here Barb! You're just scratching the surface... it's addicting! :)

Donna Johnson - 02/22/00 17:06:08
My Email:DeeLJay@webtv.net
A favorite crochet pattern: Pineapples
Do you like my page?: Yeah
Your hobbies?: Crochet

Just been browsing Cancrochet and had a look at your page. Great crochet work! And you have a beautiful family.

Hazel McCrae - 02/18/00 13:39:27
My Email:amc9605445@cs.com
A favorite crochet pattern: the pineapple stitch
Favorite Football/Basketball team: n/a
Do you like my page?: yes
Your hobbies?: love to sew and crochet


Big Al - 02/12/00 23:39:00
My Email:akiebler@yahoo.com
Favorite Football/Basketball team: 49er's/Hornets
Do you like my page?: definetely!
Your hobbies?: football, snowboarding, and treeclimbing


Patrick Kiebler (grandson) - 02/12/00 23:21:25
My Email:pkiebler
A favorite crochet pattern: aghgans
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Dolphins and the Bulls
Do you like my page?: YES
Your hobbies?: football

i mite make a homepage of my own!!

Jack Kindschuh - 01/28/00 16:37:46
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Go Rams!
Do you like my page?: Nice updates!

Barb - Thanks for suggesting I check out your updated website. You are right, your son and his wife are a great looking couple. You also are pretty proud of your grandchildren. We'll talk soon! Jack

Lee Mathewson - 01/24/00 00:09:53
My URL:http://huggems2.tripod.com/
My Email:huggems@sprint.ca
A favorite crochet pattern: anything lighthouse related
Do you like my page?: yes

Great page Barb.....great to see other folks projects. Bravo on a site well done.

corliss - 12/16/99 19:56:56
A favorite crochet pattern: circle of shells doily
Do you like my page?: love your page
Your hobbies?: crochet,reading


Brigitte Hatt - 10/19/99 03:35:46
A favorite crochet pattern: Snowflakes
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Utah Jazz
Do you like my page?: YES
Your hobbies?: Crochet, cross-stitch, sewing, just about any craft.

Your work is beautiful! I especially liked the "Garden Party" doily. It is nice to see pages with elegant crochet. (It is a nice change from the tacky type that looks like it came from your old Auntie Maxine.) Thanks for sharing your page with us!

Mary Werst/Mary's Crochet Palace - 10/12/99 13:36:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/crocheting
My Email:mary2000@alltel.net
Favorite Football/Basketball team: None
Do you like my page?: You bet I do.
Your hobbies?: Crocheting,reading,gardening,and my pets

You really do beautiful work. Thanks for sharing your finished pieces with us. Mary

Scott from Work - 09/22/99 22:57:39
My URL:/kromwell01
My Email:kromwell@prodigy.net
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Detroit Tigers/Pistons
Do you like my page?: Yep!
Your hobbies?: computer, comics, vintage Norton motorcycles

Like your page Barb!

Jack Kindschuh - 09/11/99 18:08:30
Do you like my page?: Yes to all
Your hobbies?: Motorcycles

Barb - I checked your homepage today (Saturday, 11 Sep) and you are impressive. I can't wait to show this to some of the people here and let them know the skills you have with computers and the internet.

Emily - 07/08/99 14:25:34
A favorite crochet pattern: too many to mention
Favorite Football/Basketball team: none
Do you like my page?: yes
Your hobbies?: reading, crocheting

I love your page especially your finished projects. Keep up the good work!

Patrick - 03/07/99 21:13:52
My Email:patrick@yahoo.com
A favorite crochet pattern: washcloth
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Dolphins,Bulls
Do you like my page?: yes
Your hobbies?: football and crocheting


DollCrochet - 02/21/99 16:49:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/DollCrochet
My Email:DollCrochet@angelfire.com
A favorite crochet pattern: Dolls
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Steelers (dont care for basketball)
Do you like my page?: Yes I do
Your hobbies?: Crochet, reading, and the net

Nice page I really like it

Jennifer - 02/16/99 22:12:10
A favorite crochet pattern: lots and lots
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Broncos
Do you like my page?: very nice
Your hobbies?: reading,crocheting,hiking and internet.

Nice doily.

Pacific - 12/22/98 05:35:24
My Email:AKALIPP@aol.com
A favorite crochet pattern: lace (:
Favorite Football/Basketball team: too hard to choose
Do you like my page?: yes (:
Your hobbies?: crocheting

Saw your bio on the Crochethook page and had to visit your site (: Congrats...it is lovely

Pam Wingard - 12/13/98 07:54:02
My Email:lakotawoman@webtv.net
A favorite crochet pattern: all afghans
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Louisiana State University/New Orleans Saints
Do you like my page?: YES !!!!
Your hobbies?: Crocheting, my dogs

Welcome to the At My House List. You do B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L work. I loved your page. See you on the list. Pam

Penney Wilfort - 12/11/98 17:58:46
My Email:luv-filet@pe.net
A favorite crochet pattern: Garden Party
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Vikings
Do you like my page?: Love it,
Your hobbies?: filet crochet,

Hi Barbara, I love your doilies! You do such beautiful work! Have a nice christmas! All the best, Penney From Crochetpartners and at my house crochet list.

Gaye Wood - 12/01/98 20:30:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/5824
My Email:gw02@swt.edu
A favorite crochet pattern: Too many to mention. :)
Do you like my page?: yes
Your hobbies?: crocheting, reading, computers, painting wearables...


Carol - 10/14/98 01:08:00
My URL:http://http://members.tripod.com/~Angelref/index-2.html
My Email:angelref@sunlink.net
A favorite crochet pattern: my swag curtains
Favorite Football/Basketball team: YUCK
Do you like my page?: Yes, it great
Your hobbies?: crocheting, reading, computer

Great Page Barb, You crochet work is wonderful Have a GREAT day God Bless Carol

Jackie - 09/15/98 03:19:01
My URL:http://www.ssimicro.com/~xronalka/index.html
My Email:n/a due to spam
A favorite crochet pattern: Any fine threaad pattern
Favorite Football/Basketball team: n/a
Do you like my page?: sure
Your hobbies?: Crochet


Come and visit my site. Free patterns, Craft bookstore, Digital postcards and more.

Renee from Canada - 09/11/98 21:19:50

You have made some beautiful doilies. Thanks for sharing them with us :-) Keep up the good work on your page.

Jazzy Fish - 09/02/98 20:53:50
My URL:/heartland/prairie/8108
My Email:piranha@mail.rkd.snds.com
A favorite crochet pattern: cat potholder from 1997 White Crochet
Favorite Football/Basketball team: none...I'm a Chicago Cubs fan!
Your hobbies?: Crochet and Quantum Leap

This will be a nice page when it's done. I'll definitely come back to see it.

08/31/98 07:42:38
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Keep up the good work Please visit my website too

Rita Sheppard - 08/21/98 11:41:08
My Email:rrshep@hotmail.com
Do you like my page?: Yes
Your hobbies?: crocheting and reading


Jazzy Fish - 08/19/98 17:12:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/prairie/8108
My Email:piranha@mail.rkd.snds.com
A favorite crochet pattern: cat potholder from 1997 issue of White Crochet
Favorite Football/Basketball team: none...I'm a Chicago Cubs Fan!!
Do you like my page?: Good start...I'll check back as it comes along.
Your hobbies?: Crochet, piranhas, and crochet


Christina Seals - 08/19/98 15:46:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/Renholmhome/index.html
My Email:cseals@webtv.net
A favorite crochet pattern: Jackie Karp's "English Rose"
Favorite Football/Basketball team: Washington Redskins
Do you like my page?: Yes I do.
Your hobbies?: Crochet, taking pictures of what I crochet to scrapbook them.

Hi Barb. I couldn't get here eariler but now that I have I am glad the I did. Your page is beautiful. I love your work. I wish I could do as beautiful work as you do. Alas I am just learning. I can't wait to be able to put pictures of my work on my page. I w ll come back soon. God Bless and Happy Crocheting.

cindy - 08/19/98 15:44:59
My Email:lucky8@reno.rmci.net
A favorite crochet pattern: like lots
Do you like my page?: yes very nice!!!
Your hobbies?: crochet, plus lots of others

your doing a great job. cant wait to see when it's finished!!!!!! nice work on the crochet pieces!!

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