Thanks for dropping by my guestbook. Hope you've enjoyed viewing the scrapbook.

Gus Grissom - 12/10/99 01:18:50
Age: same as yours
Favorite TV Show: as if you didn't know
Favorite Book: too many to list
What are you reading now?: training your dog
Name the term paper. Did you read it? What's a better title?: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

}: )

Janek Dhesai - 08/16/99 15:44:05
Age: 42
Favorite TV Show: Babylon 5
Favorite Book: Dune

I do like your website. I found it by searching on Fan Fiction, and I have read most of your stories. I have an idea for a story that might fit into your storyline. I have not written much fanfiction but have written some. please let me know if I may end you a story.

Isobel - 07/10/99 18:23:29
Age: 38
Favorite TV Show: Space: 1999
Favorite Book: Weirdstone of Brisingamen
What are you reading now?: The Brentford Trilogy - book 5

Hi Ellen. Hope to see you at Breakaway, I'm coming over from the UK for it. I enjoyed the stories - loved your term paper. Visiting your site has reminded me I should really get some of my ideas down - it's about time I started writing fan fiction again a d your site has inspired me :-)

- 06/27/99 23:57:25


Robert H. Brown - 05/31/99 04:01:40
My URL:/TheTropics/Shores/2717/
Age: 39ish
Favorite TV Show: The Pretender
Favorite Book: Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, what else?
What are you reading now?: Pictorial History of The American Carnival

You never know what you're going to run into on the web -- even Space:1999 (I gotta be more careful where I surf). Sometimes you even run into old friends you haven't seen in years. And since it's 1999, where the heck is that moonbase, anyway?

Melva De Leon - 05/11/99 17:07:05

Dear Ellen, I finally was able to get to your web page. The pictures are beautiful. Enjoy your place. Mrs. Johnny M. De Leon, Sr.

Paul Pollock - 04/26/99 23:49:38
Age: 22
Favorite TV Show: Star Trek
Favorite Book: Oh, so many!
What are you reading now?: Star Wars

A lovely site. Good to see that this superb show is still remembered and the fans are active. I look forward to reading your stories.

- 04/25/99 19:59:12


- 03/27/99 03:17:30


- 02/16/99 21:43:03


Susan Ford - 02/05/99 02:00:57
Age: 32
Favorite TV Show: Space:1999
Favorite Book: ?????
What are you reading now?: James Patterson's new one!

Love the web page and all your stories! Energized is great!

Paula Austin - 01/05/99 00:50:39
Age: 33
Favorite TV Show: Space 1999
Favorite Book: Alas Babylon!
What are you reading now?: Forbidden Area
Name the term paper. Did you read it? What's a better title?: ?, Yes, can't think of one

I have been a diehard Space 1999 fan since 1975. I have enjoyed your fiction (and even your term paper) very much. Please keep it up.

Susanne Becker - 12/14/98 21:32:06
Age: 32
Favorite TV Show: Mondbasis Alpha 1

Dear Ms. Lindow, since I found your stories in the web I have scratched together what little English is left from school to read them. I’m 32 and I’ve loved Alpha and the Alphans since I first watched it on TV in the 70‘s. I have always liked Dr. Russell and John Koenig best and so I was thrilled to see that I was not the only one. I’m a newcomer to the web my first steps are with the space1999 homepage. You wrote about the Breakaway-Convention. Since I’m living in Germany I think it will be impossible for me to attend. Is it possible to buy a sample of your stories without going to the Convention? I would love to get an answer from you. But if you are to busy – well I could understand it. But I want to thank you from my heart for writing such wonderful short stories. Your’s sincerely Susanne Becker

Sara - 12/02/98 14:39:46
Age: 14
Favorite TV Show: Dawson's Creek
Favorite Book: don't die my love
What are you reading now?: Afternoon of the Elves

I think your web stie is really cute!

- 10/21/98 19:22:22

i read some of the stories here, but probably will not be back...i like the first season of the show with Paul Morrow and Kano..The Maya and Tony characters weren't my favorites, and since most of the stories here deal with the the characters for those se son, i will not return...

- 10/18/98 21:23:24


- 09/24/98 02:50:38


Kevin Lindow - 09/15/98 00:16:53
My Email:you know it.
Age: 13
Favorite TV Show: Babylon 5
Favorite Book: Godzilla At Worlds End
What are you reading now?: Source Of Magic


08/31/98 07:42:33

Faith Ostling - 08/20/98 09:57:29
Age: 34
Favorite TV Show: Mission:Impossible
Favorite Book: Time Enough for Love, Robert Heinlein
What are you reading now?: Contact

Well done.

j.david bennett - 08/19/98 02:30:47
Age: 50

hi ellen just thought i visit -jaydavid

j.david bennett - 08/19/98 02:28:54
Age: 50

hi ellen

Elena Romanello - 08/17/98 15:56:43
Age: 30
Favorite TV Show: everything Sf and fantasy and Japanese anime
Favorite Book: Idem
What are you reading now?: Tolkien and King

Your Space: 1999 stories are very good and I would like to translate their in Italian and to put them in my future site about Maya. Could I .-) Also I'm writing some stories, and I would be very happy to send you them. Good bye your (I hope it) your new friend Elena :-)

june clough - 08/12/98 18:24:10
Age: 51
Favorite TV Show: space 1999

I have read your stories from the cyber museum and am enjoying all your latest fan fiction. I have just downloaded timeslip and look forward to reading it later. Your work is greatly appreciated and it is good to be able to obtain it from the internet. I m from England and it is sometimes difficult to obtain stories from the USA. I do not have an E mail address as I use my son's internet account, but I can keep up with developments this way. Thank you again for your contributions.

Janet - 08/09/98 21:39:47
Age: 30(don't usually admit that!)
Favorite TV Show: Space: 1999
Favorite Book: Busman's Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers or Earthfall by E.C. Tubb
What are you reading now?: Inversions by Iain M. Banks
Name the term paper. Did you read it? What's a better title?: Thought it was very good, couldn't think of a better title

I have visited your site several times, although I did have problems accessing it initially. I have enjoyed reading your fanfiction and I am just off to read Timeslip. Keep up the good work!

Kelly Dunday - 08/08/98 15:43:04
Age: 37
Favorite TV Show: Space:1999
Favorite Book: Anything by Dean Koontz
What are you reading now?: House of Thunder
Name the term paper. Did you read it? What's a better title?: I read it and it was very good. I can't really think of a better title.

I have read your fan fiction and it is very good. I tried to access Time Slip because it looked interesting but geocities said the url may be wrong. I don't know if anyone else has had a problem with accessing but I will keep trying. Keep up the good wo k with your stories. Kelly

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