Ellen's Scrapbook

When I was a kid, I loved to put together scrapbooks, especially when I had been on a trip and brought back small items from the trip -- ticket stubs, menus, napkins, etc. My father has beautiful scrapbooks from his mother and aunts, filled with pictures, postcards, and poems that they liked and were important to them.

My mother recently gave me a collection of stories about her parents' lives. Some were stories my grandma told me when I was little, others I had never heard. I wanted some place I could put them where they could be shared with my children. The web seemed to be the perfect place. So welcome to my scrapbook! It will be an eclectic collection designed to please me.

Ellen & Grandma, 1959 Ellen at Williamsburg, 1967 Michael & Ellen at the Grand Canyon, 1977


Items of interest to me:

Pictures of our new house during building, the hurricanes, and at Christmas, 2004

Our trip to Colorado 1998

What I did on my Spring Break 2003 Another trip to Colorado

Family History



Making things

Links to interesting sites

Photo Album

Pictures from the Alafia River, August, 2005

Lydia and her aunt, Linda Bennet show Shetland Ponies. Take a look at some of their babies. Lydia is also pictured below driving one of her favorites.

Neverending Book List

Read any good books lately? Here are some books, videos and albums we're interested in or want to buy. Buying a book through a link here gives me a small kickback from Amazon.com

BookCrossing-- set them free! Here's my ever-growing list of books. If you love books and love to share books, this is for you.

How's the Weather?

Links to the weather unerground for various places where I have friends, or of interest to characters in some of my fanficiton

USF's Herd of Thunder Kevin will now be marching with the H.O.T. band at home football games and several exhibitions in the bay area. Check here for their calendar.

Durant High School Marching Band Kevin's High school band. Can you spot him in the group picture? See below for a picture of them on the field from their 2000 show

Pictures from the Breakaway con Yahoo photo album

Websites written by me:

Pasco Middle School

The website was authored by me. The Media Research section is a virtual library with links to the local catalog and other reference materials

Ellen Lindow's Fan Fiction, part of the Space1999.net

What I did on my Spring Break 2003

Our trip to Colorado.

Lydia driving at a show in Ocala

Kevin and the DHS Marching Cougars (Kevin is the tall one with the clarinet)

my sailboat another picture of my sailboat

Click for Plant City, Florida Forecast

Contact me at ellen99@tampabay.rr.com Please come back soon and visit me.

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Updated August 1, 2002 using Dreamweaver-- the most awesome web design program anywhere!


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